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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2938

"What?!" exclaimed an earth immortal. "How is that even possible?!"

Not too far away stood a bunch of cultivators, with their mouths agape at the scene that was unfolding.

They were understandably stupefied at the display of such immense fighting power by Austin and his comrades.

Then all of a sudden...


A hand thrumming with a raging energy stretched out from the void and grabbed the dying monster leader.

"Ha-ha! How could I have been so lucky? It would be a waste if I don't take advantage of this situation." The hand was attached to a fat, middle-aged man, and he promptly walked out of the void.

He was laughing with glee, his grip tight on the monster leader who had, technically, died in his hands.

"This monster is mine!"

It would appear that this stout old man was an earth immortal as well.

He possessed an impressive stealth skill.

Austin and the Heavenly Majestic Pot had been engaged in battling with the injured monster leader at the same time, and neither of them sensed the presence of the man.

"Shit." Anger slowly burned in Austin's heart.

He had exhausted a fair amount of power and energy in this battle. Just as he was about to vanquish the monster leader, a greedy cheater decided to swoop in out of nowhere and snatched the dying enemy with not much effort.

He would no doubt snatch the credit for himself as well.

"Well, boy," said the Heavenly Majestic Pot to Austin, sharing the same seething rage. "This guy just stole our catch from under our noses."

At this point, the fat bastard had already lain claim to the death of the monster leader, and had taken possession of the internal core.

An illusory five hundred figure fell from the sky and into the jade token of the scoundrel.

The death of the monster leader had actually earned him five hundred points!

"Ha-ha! I have such good fortune!"

He was shamelessly grinning from ear to ear.

He then turned to Austin and his companions and sneered at them. "You people! You seem to have a problem with me?

Ha! What are you going to do about it?

You are only courting death!

Well, I won't be killing you, but you all have to surrender your jade tokens to me!

Hurry up!"

"What the hell?" Austin spat out. "Man, you have just taken advantage of our efforts and wrongfully taken credit, and now you want to rob us of the points we've accumulated! Do you not worry that you may be biting more than you can chew?"

"Shut up!"

The fat man huffed, his face turning flush with indignation.

"Do as I say. Hand over your jade tokens immediately, or you will die!

Do not even think of resisting my orders. I am a steward of the Divine Sect!"

He obviously took much pride in his position, which would explain why he was audaciously brandishing the authority that came with it.

"Let's go!" Austin shouted without missing a beat.

"Kill him!"

All at once, the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor, the Hallucinatory Handkerchief, and the time zone were unleashed upon the pompous fat man.

He had not witnessed how Austin and his crew dealt with the monster leader.

He had just happened to run into the dying creature, and grabbed the opportunity to take credit.

He was aghast to realize that these nobodies were capable of such terrifying methods.

Austin, the Heavenly Majestic Pot, Violet, the divine silkworm, and the small infinity beast all launched fierce attacks against him.

"No, no!" The fat man screamed as his body started to crumble into pieces.

"You are just a bunch of insignificant worms yet you dare try to kill me!"

Quickly, Austin grabbed the jade slip and the Space Rings of the fat man.

He squashed the jade token in his hands, and the illusory figure of 1, 230 flew out of the broken accessory and jumped into that of Austin's.

He had effectively garnered more than two thousand points!

"Yes!" Austin exclaimed in triumph.

He could not deny to himself that killing and looting was indeed a shortcut towards wealth.

Next, he took out the internal core of the monster leader from one of the Space Rings of the fat man, and swallowed it without hesitation.


A vital energy as tempestuous as an ocean flooded his body like a tsunami sweeping across land.

His physical strength was continuously multiplying.

'My physical strength has improved by but a small leap, ' he told himself.


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