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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2947

Austin put down more than a hundred monsters with one single move.

Then a vision of a series of numbers fell from the sky and went straight to Austin's identity jade token. The numbers showed five points, six points and up to seven points and even more points.

Within a short moment, Austin's points had increased by over seven hundred.

"Follow me. Hurry up!

We can break out of here easily. These monsters are weak!" Austin urged his companions.

"What the hell? This is..."

Behind Austin, the Heavenly Majestic Pot, Violet and everyone else stood petrified, gaping at Austin with untold surprise written all over their faces.

At this point, Austin was a killing machine. With each step and every advancement, he kicked and punched the monsters that got in his way. Once his targets came within range of his lethal fists, they would end up with the same fate—being beaten to a pulp.

Like a robot programmed to take lives, he showed no mercy. There was no trace of emotion on his face.

In an instant, Austin was already a few thousand meters away from where he was, initially. When he paused to look back, he found that his companions including Violet and the Heavenly Majestic Pot stood still without having moved an inch. They were staring at him as if he was a ruthless demon. In the warpath between him and them lay the countless monsters that he had just sent to their deaths. "Hey, guys, come on! Let's get out of here!

What are you all waiting for? There are too many of them!

Hurry up or it will be too late," he roared at the stunned group.

They were Austin's friends for the longest time and they knew him very well. The strength Austin was now displaying was definitely not something he was capable of before entering the palace. They couldn't help but wonder what had happened inside that palace that enabled their friend to be this formidable in such a short span of time. Austin's thundering voice brought his friends back to their senses. However shocked they were, they immediately activated their bodily movement skills immediately to catch up with him.

"Go to hell!" Austin shouted at the remaining horde of monsters.

He felt massive oceans of force surging out from inside him as if he would never run out.

Once again, Austin rushed forward while throwing punches at the monsters on both sides that still chose to charge at him.

The monsters seemed to know nothing except to attack Austin, the man who shamelessly broke into their sacred land and stole their precious treasure. They were supposed to be the rulers of this world dominated by the law of gravity, where their colossal figures and infinite physical strength would really come in handy while invaders from outside this place couldn't bring out the full potential of their vital energy. However, Austin was an exception. He was a brilliant body refiner, and he had just eaten tons of the monster internal cores to seriously toughen his physique. Not surprisingly, every single one that came in contact with his hands was shattered into pieces, blown up like fireworks.

In the blink of an eye, more than five hundred monsters died in Austin's hands. But he acted as if he had only crushed over five hundred flies. He did not even break a sweat.

"Oh man! That was awesome! He... He rocks!" the Heavenly Majestic Pot let out a gleeful shout.

Along with Austin's other companions, it was beyond dumbfounded at what it just witnessed.

"Master is so cool!"

Violet remarked, clenching her fists and waving them in the air with great excitement.


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