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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 295

The day was sunny but the sky was still a bright shade of blue. A lone figure could be seen moving swiftly among the mountains and hills.

The mountains that surrounded this area stretched in all directions and looked fantastic even from a distance. Among those peaks, a huge one stood higher than all the others and touched the clouds. This impressive place was the host to Sun Sect and therefore, this particular mountain was called as the Sun Mountain.

Austin had spent most of his life in the Sun Mountain and he was recalling his childhood days right now.

Obviously, he regarded this place as his home and was very anxious to return.

When his eyes fell upon the mountain which had been his home, his pace quickened in anticipation.

Very soon, he reached the mountain.

Since he had not seen Evan and Herbert for a long time now, Austin decided to go to their place first and to see how things were at their homes.

Also, he had not been in contact with the disciples of his own team for a long time as well. He needed to check up on them too.

Although he had set up his own team on a mere whim, his disciples were still loyal to him and he thought he should be nice to them.

It didn't take him long to get to the house where Evan and Herbert were residing. Austin had gotten it from Marvin after he had defeated him publicly.

Since he had become a principal disciple now and moved to a cave, he had asked Evan and Herbert to move into this house.

However, as soon as Austin stepped near the yard gate of the house, he sensed that something was wrong.

There were too many strangers in the yard right now.

Judging by their clothes, some of them were disciples of Sun Sect but others seemed to be from somewhere else.

"You two bastards! You're no better than pigs and dogs. Come on, tell us quickly! Where is that coward, Austin, huh? Where has he hidden himself? He's like a tortoise you know! Only we can't find the shell!" Austin heard a voice.

"Shit! These guys are so stubborn! But good! Because if they do not reply to my question at once, you can slap them as much as you like. Let's see how many slaps these two devils can bear!"

The voice was barbaric and made Austin furious at once.

Then he heard the sound of repeated slaps.

"Pfft! You are actually a coward. You're both jackals! All of you guys are! Tin is a straight man and a huge hero! You are being arrogant for the moment. Let us see you behave like that when Tin comes back! You're gonna be getting down on your knees to beg for mercy!"

This was Evan's voice and he sounded enraged.

"Very good Evan! You are getting better at talking! So talk this! He's gonna be dead pretty soon!"

That must have been Herbert.

Hearing what the two said, Austin felt a warmth in his heart. His friends really were loyal.

"Ha ha ha! Austin is such a bad guy! Why would I fear him?

Let me tell you the truth, boys! Austin has done something horrible and now has been declared a traitor of the Sun Sect.

Elder Luo has ordered us that as soon as we see him, we arrest him.

Hmph! Let's wait and see. Austin is so arrogant and I've hated him for a long time now! Even we inner disciples did not get an opportunity to become principal disciples. So how the hell is he qualified to become a principal disciple directly? He was only an outer disciple earlier on!

I am sure you both know where Austin is. So tell me! Tell me now! Where is Austin?"

Then the repeated sounds of slaps were heard again.


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