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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2955

Austin cut through the monsters on the battlefield, slaughtering them without effort.

He moved through them swiftly and gracefully, like a leaf in the wind.

With so much power coursing through him, Austin could obliterate monsters with just the strength in his pinky finger.

The cultivators along the way cheered and welcomed Austin's arrival on the scene, offering up monsters' internal cores and all kinds of treasures to urge him on.

After being rescued by Austin, they would follow him onward.

Before long, the number of cultivators behind Austin had snowballed beyond imagining.

The number started going up to thousands of them, then to the tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands of the cultivators.

Soon enough, Austin was moving forward with millions of cultivators behind him.

The exhausted cultivators still completing the trial on the battlefield were so relieved to be saved by him that they handed over the treasures they had already gathered as tokens of gratitude.

Austin would decline the treasures if the cultivators appeared to be in need. But if they seemed affluent enough, he would ask for more.

And they were willing to give it. Even some of the powerful masters at the Earth Immortal Realm and the young geniuses of the major sects submitted readily to his demands.


How obnoxious! What a self-important little bastard!

I'm really starting to loathe this guy!"

The monsters gritted their teeth, growing more angry and resentful at Austin's behavior.

But they had to admit Austin's power terrified them. He was like a monster-killing machine, leaving a bloodbath wherever he went.

Even monster leaders had died in his hands.

It wasn't long before all the cultivators in the battlefield were following Austin.

The cultivators smugly stood behind him in rows. It was clear that the battle was quickly being overturned in their favor.

And Austin was doing it single-handedly!

After every fight, Austin would gather another batch of monsters' internal cores and consume them all.

The monster leaders were panicking at his gradual approach. "Hurry! Send word to the chief and ask for backup!

This human boy is too much for us to deal with!

Only the chief and the elders can take him on!"

the leaders shouted to their subordinates.

'Really, now? Only the chief of the monster race and the elders, huh?'

Austin noted, hearing the shouts.

'I guess they're the most powerful ones of the monster race.

I wonder if I can take them on by myself.

I guess I'll know in a little while, '

Austin mused.

He turned to the cultivators behind him. "Did you hear that? The chief and the elders are coming.

Up to you whether you want to stay or go.

Just know when they get here, I can't ensure your safety,"

Austin informed them frankly.

Most of the cultivators were shaken by his words.

"We couldn't even handle the ordinary monsters, much less their most powerful fighters!

Let's get out of here! Hurry!"

The throng started to flee in great numbers.

Austin was more surprised at who stayed behind. "You sure you don't want to leave?"

Austin said, eyeing Prince Aldrich and his men.

"I'm staying. I'll fight with you, if need be,"

Prince Aldrich responded, with some hesitation.

"Suit yourself,"

Austin replied with a curt nod before turning back to what lay ahead.

A large group of monsters were already within reach in the distance.

They made no move to attack, only eyeing Austin and his companions warily.

They were well aware by now that the human boy was an extraordinarily powerful fighter.

They knew quality could defeat quantity. The vast difference in combat power could render their numbers useless.

These monsters knew enough to wait for their chief and elders to arrive.

"It seems we have some extra time. Let me help you earn enough points first," Austin told his remaining companions.

Austin stepped forward and reached out his right arm. In an instant, his arm stretched toward the distance while his hand became colossal, his fingers growing to the size of mountains.


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