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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2963

The young master of the Mu Clan turned around slowly. He shot Austin a wary look, as though he were a viper that had caused multiple deaths and had nothing to hold him back from killing more without remorse.

"Boy!" Dempsey snarled. "You really want to die that badly!"

The Earth Immortal Realm cultivators immediately stood at attention. They moved as one, surrounding Austin in an offensive stance, their auras filled with a wave of killing intent.

"Really, now?" Austin mocked Dempsey.

"You'll be breaking your promise? You're going to fight with me? Looks like people from your clan really are sore losers."

He laughed sardonically, shaking his head. "Oh, how could you, esteemed young master of the Mu Clan, renege on your word! Ha! I've expected this much. I've completely seen through your intentions! But sadly for you, now that I am here, you'll never be able to lay a finger on Mr. Lin."

Prince Aldrich gave a hearty laugh, and waved his hand. In response, dozens more of powerful Earth Immortal Realm cultivators took up positions to protect Austin.

Austin turned to the prince and gave him a little salute. "You are so considerate, Prince Aldrich. But I'm afraid I need to deal with these people on my own."

He took a step forward and braced himself. With his feet firmly on the ground, he released a wave of physical strength.

Most would not notice, but a faint crackling sound ran through his body at his exertion.

On the other side of the hall, a small creature with distinct features perked up.

It was Pearce, an outstanding talent of the Tomber race from the Ghostdom.

He stared at Austin, his mind racing. Pearce shared the same blood coursing through the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor that Austin possessed in between his own mortal eyes.

That connection lent him a special insight into a different plane that was not visible to those not of the same race.

As Austin was gearing himself for the incoming fight, he released some auras, and Pearce's blood exhibited a reaction.

And the only reason for such a reaction was that they somehow shared the same blood. He peered at Austin some more, ascertaining something for himself.

Then all of a sudden, he pointed at Austin and unceremoniously announced, "That man is Austin Lin!"

All eyes immediately turned to Austin, and a tense silence filled the air.

A few beats passed, and the place erupted into frantic and near coherent exclamations among everybody present.

"What did he say?"

"Does he mean the same Austin, who is currently wanted by the four major forces and has a large bounty on his head?"

"So this is the Austin from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos. He is apparently very valuable!"

"If we kill this guy, we'll be gaining all the three million points from his jade token. That fortune is no joke!"

Most of the cultivators in trial were now eyeing Austin greedily, each one itching to have a chance to kill him and obtain his points and power.

They slowly started to move in his direction, calculating every possible angle for an opportune attack.

There was a beat of silence. Then, as if they were orchestrated by a higher power, which in this case would seem to be their common desire, they lunged at Austin all at once.


Members form the four major forces—the Mu Clan, the underworld, the Divine Sect and the Space Sect—all sprang to action.

They had Austin surrounded in a matter of seconds.

The odds of this battle were obviously, and significantly, slanted against him.

They began to draw closer, tightening the circle around Austin.

Trapped and outnumbered, the Earth Immortal Realm masters from the Beast Cosmos wavered.

They secretly communicated with Prince Aldrich.

"Your Highness, what should we do?"

If it had only been the Mu Clan that he was up against, these cultivators would not have hesitated to fight beside Austin, especially since the Hunting Cosmos was considered a mortal enemy to the Beast Cosmos.

Besides, both sides were practically of equal strength, and this battle would just be a line in a long list of battles in the entirety of their feud.

But if they were to face so many participants at the same time, they had to reassess the situation and see if it was worth it or not.

And that was exactly what their prince did. Prince Aldrich took a few moments to consider the situation carefully.

Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke to his comrades secretly.

"Everyone, please listen to me.

We will stand by Mr. Lin, and fight alongside him!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

With grace and precision, the Earth Immortal Realm masters of the Beast Cosmos brace reinforced their stance and formed a fighting formation.

They were ready for any attack.

'Prince Aldrich is such a nice person, ' Austin mused to himself, having secretly observed the secret interaction between the prince and his followers.

'I think we shall be very good friends.'

Then he cleared his throat and jumped into the development that was unfolding.


Yes, yes, I am indeed the one and only Austin from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos!

Come on, all of you!

Today I will grant you all the honor of being in combat with me! I won't even hold back."

He flashed them an ominous grin before shedding his disguise. He then revealed his original look. "Yes!" exclaimed the Heavenly Majestic Pot in excitement.

"No need to hide our true appearance to these bastards!

Let's go then!

Let me show them just how powerful I am!"


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