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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2965

"That's right. Without his physical strength, Austin has limited power.

Remember how in the first trial our fighting power was suppressed? Due to the gravity law of that negative world which suppressed our power, all of our combat power was decreased by half.

Hence, Austin could have become the champion at the first trial.

But his luck will be lessened in the following trials!"

Dempsey, the young master of the Mu Clan, said pettily to the group of people standing near him.

"I don't know what all the fuss is. He's only a cultivator at the Genuine Immortal Realm. In my opinion, he's running on pure luck and chance.

For the second trial, I think we should join forces and focus on killing Austin!"

Prince Camo of the underworld, added while he rubbed his hands together deviously.

"That plan seems solid.

The important thing is that we can't let Austin get through the second trial!"

The other young geniuses in the room all nodded in agreement.

The next day, while preparing for the second trial, a loud and dignified voice boomed through the whole city.

"Everyone, the teleportation passage to the destination of the second trial will be open soon. Please prepare yourselves."

In a matter of minutes, all the disciples had stumbled outside and walked to the huge square in the middle of the city.

It quickly became so packed with over thirty million bodies that there wasn't even room to lift an elbow.

"Attention, everyone. The second trial is about to begin.

In the second trial, you will be sent to another negative world where you will find a special race called the spiritual race.

They differ greatly from us, because they have no bodies, only spiritual souls.

And they are extremely powerful. Out of all the races in that negative world, they are the strongest.

You can even say that the spiritual race is the ruler of everything in that negative world, including the creatures, the land, and so on.

Those members of the spiritual race often eat the spiritual souls of other races or possess their bodies.

In the effort to save time, I will put all the detailed information about the spiritual race into all of your jade tokens. In this way, you can read it and increase your chances of winning.

And since the spiritual race is not discriminatory, I have a rune for each of you that will prevent them from being able to possess you.

It's your job to hold onto it and protect yourselves."

As soon as the tall and thin man had finished his words, he waved his hand. Soon, thousands of yellow runes fell from the sky of the city, fluttering down like snowflakes.

The hands of the participants stretched upwards, clasping onto a rune and tucking it away.

The spots where they hid the runes were carefully thought out, in case they needed to retrieve it at a moment's notice.

It was the only thing that was making them feel safe.

"Sir, I have one question. Will that negative world also be under the control of the gravity law?"

Dempsey called out, hoping that the answer would be no.

"No. In the second trial, the negative world will be dominated by the spiritual law.

In case you didn't know, the spiritual law has significant effects on the spiritual soul energy. Additionally, it can suppress all the other energies, such as physical strength and vital energy.

This is the reason why the spiritual race is the most powerful species in that negative world.

Above all other creatures, the spiritual race is best suited for the spiritual law because of their spirit form,"

the tall and thin man answered.


That's exactly what I was hoping for.

Now, I have a good chance of defeating everyone.

Austin, you'd better watch out because I'm coming for you!"

Dempsey glared at Austin from across the square and folded his arms across his chest.

"Hmm... It looks like Dempsey isn't a big fan of mine,"

Austin responded with a faint smile.

As he looked around the square, Austin noticed that several of the other powerful earth immortals and young geniuses were staring his way with contempt on their faces.

"Your mission is to kill the spiritual race. For every death, you will collect points that will add to your grand total.

Prepare to teleport. 3... 2... 1... Let the trial begin!"

After the tall and thin man had finished speaking, he pointed towards the sky above the big square. Everyone's gazes followed.


A dark vortex appeared where the man's finger was directed and began whirling ominously.

Like a giant vacuum, a force propelled out of the vortex and enveloped the whole square below.


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