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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2975

As soon as the creatures in the town met Darby's gaze, they immediately entered into a state of sluggishness.

"Sure enough, each creature's spirit is tied by a long red line, like a leash.

I was right! All these creatures in the town are slaves of the spiritual race!"

said Darby, his mouth curving into a sneer.

"What? There is some special skill between the eyebrows of this guy. These trespassers aren't as simple as we thought they were!"

The fourteen spirits lurking in the town had been secretly watching the entire scene play out. One of them couldn't help but remark at the extraordinary light that was released from the leader of the group.

"You are right!

I too have a feeling that the man with that special eye is kind of dangerous. His presence is making me feel uneasy.

I'm afraid that these slaves won't be able to defeat him.

Be careful, guys! We'll have to work together to get rid of this human!"

another spirit said cautiously.

"Shall we send word to our master?"

one of the spirits asked.

"I don't think it is necessary yet.

The fourteen of us will be able to deal with him if we work together.

We don't have to bother our master for such a trivial matter!"

Lange answered his companion's queries with confidence.

"Okay. Then let's secretly fight and kill these people."

The fourteen spirits discussed their battle strategy while preparing themselves to make their move.

"Let's begin to take action to kill all the slaves. In this way, the thirteen spirits will naturally appear.

Don't worry, everybody. I'll keep an eye on the surrounding area. As soon as the thirteen spirits reveal even an inch, I'll find them and we can take them down..."

With a wave of his hand, Darby ordered his troop to attack.


The five powerful cultivators at the Earth Immortal Realm and their companions burst out their own energy and employed a plethora of secret martial arts skill to attack the slaves in the town.

"How dare you?! How dare you create trouble in our town! Let's go and kill these brats together!"

All the creatures in the town also swarmed towards their opponents and fought fiercely.

However, it was obvious that the strength of the participants was much more powerful than they'd expected.

In particular, the five powerful cultivators at the Earth Immortal Realm following Darby could kill at least a thousand people with a single move.

Therefore, a large number of creatures in the town were killed within a short while.

Fortunately, the fourteen spirits were able to save all the spiritual souls of these creatures whose physical bodies had been crushed.


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