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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2977

Lange and the thirteen members of the spiritual race together with the earth immortal attacked another earth immortal who took orders from Darby. Drastically outnumbered, the earth immortal was easily defeated. Lange then took over and controlled him using the Puppet Strings.

With the two earth immortals that they were able to control, the fourteen spirits began to take on the third earth immortal on Darby's side. This method proved successful for the fourteen spirits whom in a few seconds, had turned all five earth immortals against Darby and into their slaves. This meant that Austin had acquired another five powerful slaves to fight for him.

The Puppet Strings was a brilliant secret skill that proved very useful in battle. Any creature targeted with this skill would be under the control of whoever unleashed this skill. The poor creature, as if enchanted and possessed, would then be more than willing to serve its new master.

Moreover, his life would be in the hands of the one who employed the Puppet Strings. He wouldn't even have the desire to struggle, for the sake of staying alive.

Therefore, the masters at the Earth Immortal Realm would have no choice but to be enslaved by the spirits, walking around rather mindlessly, and responding only to the commands of their captors.

Seeing that his five subordinates at the Earth Immortal Realm had changed sides and stood behind the members of the spiritual race, Darby was beyond belief, how easily his subordinates had defected. He snorted out a furious grunt under his breath.

"What the hell are you all doing? How could you side with those spirits? Are you turning your back on the Ghostdom now?

Get your asses over here, you sons of bitches,"

he shouted at the five earth immortals.

"Did you go blind or something? Can't you see that they take orders from me now?" Austin taunted, throwing his hands in the air with the look of fake confusion.

"Now show him who your master is!"

Austin turned to the five earth immortals who used to be Darby's subordinates.

"What are you waiting for, low life earthlings? Greet your new master now!"

Lange snapped at the five powerful cultivators at the Earth Immortal Realm.


the five earth immortals said in unison and bowed to Austin respectfully.

Austin's companions including the Heavenly Majestic Pot and Violet stood aside and watched the events unfold before them.

"This is preposterous! How dare you bow to your enemies? Wait!

Austin, what did you do to them? Did you cast a spell or some witchcraft shit?

I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

Darby was so pissed off that he pounced on Austin. Obviously, he got carried away by the ebbing anger in his chest that was getting harder to control.

The Tomber race was indeed a violent, powerful race among whom Darby lived and grew up with. He was one of the most talented ones who had the greatest potential to lead their race in the future. He launched himself to attack Austin and before he reached his target. He then showed his original form—a fierce, massive beast. Soon the two of them were locked in a tense fight.

Darby and Austin were evenly matched in the first place, so it wasn't difficult for the former to force the latter to step back awhile.


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