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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2985

What the spiritual dragon did next only proved what the master of the spiritual race had said to be true.

The dragon was rather fond of the spiritual tree, and held it in deep regard. It did not dodge the roots that were coming at it.

On the contrary, it welcomed them, and granted them access to its mind. The spiritual tree rooted itself on the dragon's head, and from afar, an observer got the illusion that tree and dragon were one creature.

'This is amazing!' Austin was delighted at this sudden turn of events.

He had sensed earlier as the spiritual dragon gradually lost its will to fight.

It was clearly tamed by the spiritual tree.

'Looks like this tree has many uses that I have yet to know of. No wonder it is considered the holy tree of their spiritual race; it managed to subdue the dragon in a heartbeat!'

"Damn you!"

It was the master from the spiritual race, and he was directing his curses at Austin.

"Hey, human boy! This spiritual dragon is a private property of my master, who is a distinguished aristocrat.

I advise you to not even think of messing with him.

Surrender that beast to me! That spiritual tree, as well!

You know very well that it is considered holy by my race.

You are nothing but a mere outsider; you have no right to claim it for yourself!"

"What did you just say?" Austin chuckled with disbelief.

"You are demanding not only for the spiritual dragon, but for my spiritual tree as well?

Have you perhaps lost your damn mind?"

"You human bastard, do you want to die that badly?!" the master yelled back with fury.

He lunged for Austin at full speed, releasing enormous amounts of spiritual soul energy as he went.

As he drew closer, Austin was assaulted by what felt like several steel plates crushing him from all directions.

He was a little daunted by this.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Crimson ropes, each as thick as an average human arm, darted from behind the master's head and lurched towards Austin.

There were dozens of them, and they were coming at him with swift accuracy.

The master from the spiritual race was using the Puppet Strings technique.

He was quite adept at it, too, since only those who were incredible at this attack could create this many thick and powerful strings at any given time.

Austin realized this, too.

This master was not an easy opponent to defeat.

Compared to him, the people from the spiritual race that Austin somehow enslaved were significantly weaker.

In the next instant, however, the spiritual tree shook free from the beast and flitted towards Austin.

The spiritual dragon then threw its head back and let out a menacing growl.

It moved forward and devoured the massive ropes that were coming at Austin. When it was done, it even flicked out its tongue to lick the corners of its mouth, as if wanting more.

"Damn it all!" The master was once again cursing all over the place.

"I cultivated for so many years to reach this level to be able to unleash a powerful Puppet Strings attack, and this damn spiritual dragon just chomped on my strings!

I hate you!" He spat out like a petulant child.

"I hate you and that stupid spiritual dragon!"

As if it took insult, the dragon let out a tiny roar and advanced towards the bawling master.

"Damn it!" came the curse again, but this time the master was sprinting away in fright.

He knew all too well what would happen if the dragon actually caught him.

As he escaped, he used his spiritual sense to send a message to the governor through the ground.

"Terrible news! A stupid human bastard took the spiritual dragon!"

Behind him Austin was in close pursuit.

"You want to run away?

That's never going to happen!"

He and Darby opened their Eyes of the Ghostdom Ancestor that emitted beams of darkness.

The moment the beam touched the fleeing master, he began to slow down against his will.

The spiritual dragon didn't miss a beat, and went in for the kill, its fangs glinting in the faint light. Terrified to his very core, the master screamed in panic.

"Stay away from me!"

He was yelling and kicking in place, desperate to escape yet could not move an inch.

Austin clicked his tongue.

"He's still kicking up such a fuss even now. Let's see. Why don't I try to curb his hysteria by using the Puppet Strings?"

Right on cue, thousands of puppet strings came out from Austin's Soul Sea, and shot towards the panicking master.

"What's all this?!"

In spite of his terror, the master felt a sharp pang of anger break through, accompanied with some shock. "That's impossible!


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