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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2987

Since the spiritual tree had taken control of the spiritual dragon, it could now use the dragon's spiritual soul energy at will. Under Austin's control, the spiritual tree performed the Puppet Strings using the dragon's energy and was able to maximize the potential of the skill.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Long scarlet strings continuously shot into the Soul Sea of the surrounding participants and bound their spiritual souls.

On each of the participants' spiritual souls, a rune paper was attached.

These rune papers were designed by the ancient gods to prevent the participants from being possessed or controlled by the members of the spiritual race.

However, since the spiritual tree was being controlled by Austin, a human, the rune papers didn't work against the spiritual tree at all.

In a blink of an eye, the participants had been fully controlled by Austin.

They ran towards him, and bowed while calling him master.

A few hundred participants had just become Austin's slaves.

These cultivators turned out to be relatively weak, so they were the perfect experimental rats for Austin. The conversion process resulted in a positive outcome.

"What kind of evil skill did you just use?"

The talented young men and the earth immortals from the major forces stared at Austin with extremely shocked eyes. They couldn't shake the fear that started creeping in their hearts.

After all, the whole thing was too weird for them to believe.

In just an instant, these participants had become slaves with absolute loyalty to their master.

Most of them were disciples of major forces that regarded Austin as their mortal enemy.

However, they were all bowing to Austin now and would do anything at his command.

No wonder why the rest of the participants who had seen what happened were greatly appalled and vexed.

Instead of answering the participant who questioned Austin, he controlled the spiritual dragon and attacked the group of earth immortals nearby.

In a split-second, the spiritual dragon reached its targets and stretched out its claws to seize them.

A vast ocean of spiritual soul energy came crashing out of the dragon and engulfed the earth immortals.

Stunned and bewildered, the earth immortals couldn't move an inch and were unable to resist the attack. "No!"

they screamed in horror.

Some powerful participants who were watching had an urge to meddle and rescue their companions but were unable to do so. The mighty spiritual soul energy released by the spiritual dragon was so terrifying that everyone in the vicinity felt dizzy and wasn't even able to stand up straight. They felt an extremely intimidating aura that prevented them from approaching the spiritual dragon.

The spiritual dragon grabbed about fifteen earth immortals with its claws.

The puppet strings shot out from the trunk of the spiritual tree. In an instant, the spiritual souls of the earth immortals were all bound by the strings.


Standing in front of Austin, the earth immortals respectfully bowed and behaved like tamed beasts.

'What the hell?!'

The participants gasped for air as they were once again perplexed by what Austin had just done.

'Those are earth immortals! There's so many of them and he managed to control them in a few seconds?!'

The scene shocked all the participants including the talented cultivators and the other earth immortals from the top sects who were fortunate enough to survive and evade the attack of the spiritual dragon.

Under Austin's control, the spiritual dragon made a move again and rushed towards the baffled participants.

"Go get these participants and be quick about it."

Austin gave the order to Morse.

Knowing that a powerful aristocrat from the spiritual race was on his way there, he decided to turn the rest of the participants into his slaves as soon as possible.

"Yes, sir!" Morse responded right away.

He swiftly dashed forward and forcefully hit one of the earth immortals with his palm. The earth immortal was injured so badly and was controlled immediately.

Morse was one of the top cultivators of the spiritual race. With that, he could fully take advantage of the spiritual law in the universe to greatly improve his strength.

Therefore, he could defeat even an earth immortal master in a heartbeat.

"Bloody hell! We don't stand a chance against them! They are way too powerful for us to handle," the participants yelled in panic and fear.

They admitted that they couldn't take down the combined power of Morse and the spiritual dragon.

"Run for your life!"

All the remaining participants began running as fast as they could and dispersed in various directions.

"Seriously? These guys are all talk. They were so angry just now and threatened to take my life, and now they're all running with their tails between their legs!"

Austin chuckled in disappointment.


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