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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2993

"He's the legendary Spiritual Ancestor of the spiritual race, the strongest person in this universe!"

Looking at the huge gray figure that occupied the entire space, Austin froze in fear.

An overbearing spiritual soul power immobilized the entire place.

Time and space stood still, and all living beings felt rooted in place.

The Spiritual Ancestor's strength was so immense that everything in this universe was under his control. He could destroy anything at will even without making a move.

"Brat, this isn't looking good.

This Spiritual Ancestor can control the law of nature with his mind. He is probably stronger than Divine Realm masters out there,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot warned Austin.

"Hand over the spiritual tree and the spiritual dragon," the Spiritual Ancestor intoned, staring at Austin.

The ancestor's eyes blazed, larger than suns.

Without waiting for Austin's response, he reached down his colossal hand to grab Austin.

The hand contained energy immense enough to crush anything in its way.

Austin knew he was no match even though he possessed the spiritual dragon and the spiritual tree.

He wasn't quite sure it would make a difference in the face of an opponent more powerful than a master at the Divine Realm.

Austin could only brace himself as the Spiritual Ancestor's hand bore down on him.

"Humph! How dare you show off like this? You are not a real god and will never be.

Don't you dare lay a hand on our talented young cultivators!"

A calm voice broke the stillness, and then a middle-aged man clad in white clothes, glowing with a golden light, emerged from thin air. He reached Austin in one step and posted himself in front of him.

"The spiritual tree is the holy tree of our race. We can't let it fall into the hands of an outsider.

I have to get it back,"

the Spiritual Ancestor snarled at the middle-aged man, his face contorting in rage.

"Precious natural resources don't belong to anyone. He found the spiritual tree, so it is his to keep.

Don't you feel ashamed to take things from a young man like this? It's ironic you're so convinced you are doing the right thing. I think you should stop making a fool of yourself,"

the middle-aged man retorted with a mocking smile.

"Don't you dare taunt me! You are testing my patience.

Keep crossing me and I will destroy this universe which you turned into your training field!"

the Spiritual Ancestor roared, growing livid.

The middle-aged man was unfazed by the threat. Instead, he burst into laughter. "So many of your loyal followers and descendants are here. If you destroy this universe, all of them will lose their lives. So can you really do it?"

the middle-aged man said.

The Spiritual Ancestor growled. "Damn you!

Just get out of my way! The spiritual tree is mine to take!" the Spiritual Ancestor bellowed.

He couldn't hold back his anger any longer. He unleashed an enormous amount of spiritual soul energy from his massive body, forming terrifying hurricanes.

At this display, the middle-aged man simply turned to look at Austin and smiled amiably.

"Young man, you have great potential in you. Work hard on cultivation.

Only when you have enough strength can you protect those you care about," he advised like a kindly elder.

"I will, sir. Thank you," Austin responded, humbled by the man's words.

He didn't dare show any disrespect. He could sense the middle-aged man in white was a formidable being.

"Move or I'll have to kill you first before taking the spiritual tree!" the Spiritual Ancestor hollered.

As he took a step forward, the entire universe shook vigorously.

The middle-aged man in white laughed, without fear.

"You want to play? All right. I will play with you. Let's see if you have fully regained your strength after sleeping for such a long time," he replied.

"Young man, I am going to send you back,"

the middle-aged man told Austin.

"Thank you, sir!

But there is a huge vessel of spiritual crystal here. I'd like to get it before leaving,"

Austin said sheepishly as he pointed at the spiritual capital on the planet below him.

He would hate to miss out on a vessel.

The middle-aged man seemed surprised for a second, and then broke into a loud guffaw. "You are really an interesting young man.

Fine, But I am not going to help you get that vessel. You have to get it on your own,"

the middle-aged man said with a small nod and a smile, clearly amused.

"Thank you so much!" Austin said, relief washing over him.

He wasted no time and rushed toward the spiritual capital.

"You are really asking for it, you little bastard!"

The Spiritual Ancestor moved to strike Austin with his gigantic hand.

But the middle-aged man blocked the attack before it landed.


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