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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3013

"There's a possibility that the divine god on Megrez knew Master Layne, and they must have been on good terms.

Well, in that case, maybe I should go to Megrez and see what this whole thing is about."

After thinking for a while, Austin mustered enough courage and flew towards Megrez. Just moments earlier, he had almost let fear get the best of him and he was ready to retreat, sensing the overwhelming power of the mysterious shadow.

In no time, Austin arrived at Megrez and landed safely.

However, he did not receive a warm welcome. Instead, a hostile and aggressive army swarmed towards him and surrounded him from all directions as soon as he set foot on the land of Megrez.

Two senior men in white robes led the troops.

Each man held a scepter in his hand, which emitted a faint terrifying aura.

Austin would learn later that they were two genuine immortals!

Austin was a little surprised. He was not expecting that there would indeed be genuine immortals in the Yellow Cosmos!

It was well known that the Yellow Cosmos was already running low on spiritual energy and complete laws of order. So it would be stunning if there were just cultivators at the sect ancestor level in this cosmos.

It did not take long for Austin sense that there was something strange about the two genuine immortals.

In spite of their current level in martial arts which was relatively high, their cultivation base seemed very weak. The energies inside their bodies were so unstable that a strong fluctuation of energy could be felt, radiating off them.

"There is something strange about these two old guys. It seems that their martial arts were upgraded to the Genuine Immortal Realm by a certain external force!

Who could have done this? It's extremely unreasonable and dangerous to hoist someone up to a level that he or she shouldn't be at. It will create a whole lot of problems for the person's future cultivation. And they might even die during the process!"

The Heavenly Majestic Pot talked to Austin through his spiritual sense.

"You're right. I agree with you."

Austin nodded in agreement.

"Who the hell are you? Identify yourself.

How were you able to break into Megrez? What's your business here?"

The two old men in white robes asked Austin in confusion, their sharp eyes flashed with hostility. It looked like the civilization on Megrez were not very welcoming of outsiders.

"We are from the outside world, and we just happened to be passing through. We admire the divine gods so much that we have traveled far and wide, for a very long time in search of the Gods' Hometown. We mean no harm. We just want to pay our respects to the divine gods.

We didn't come here seeking trouble."


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