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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3022

Austin's attention was caught by a pool of blood on the ground.

It was thrumming with energy that seemed to be calling to him, so he released a wisp of his spiritual sense to check on it.


To his utter surprise, his spiritual sense lit up in flames before it could even fully grasp the nature of the spilled blood.

The energy surrounding the blood had burnt his spiritual sense to ashes.

Now that piqued his interest even more.

He released another surge of his spiritual sense, this time at a more powerful level, and directed it towards the pool of blood.


Another wave of energy blocked his spiritual sense, the clash of the forces sending him flying off his feet.

He landed hard on a corner, hitting the stone wall of the cave.

'What the hell!' For a moment, Austin felt a little helpless at being caught off guard. Twice now.

'It's just a pool of blood. I can't believe it managed to knock me off my feet!'

If nothing else, it only supported his presumption that the broken corpses that lay in front of him must have belonged to very powerful beings.

If the blood they left behind held such a potent energy, even masters of the Divine Realm probably wouldn't stand a chance against these dead warriors.

"These bodies must have belonged to the ancient divine gods!" he murmured to himself.

He became surer of it at every moment that passed.

He had further questions, of course, but right there and then, he could come up with no other reasonable explanation.

What other being could have possibly been more powerful than an ancient divine god?

He braced himself for the task at hand.

He tried various ways to control and absorb the energy contained by the blood, but failed each time. Pretty soon he found himself covered in bruises.

He was exhausted, but still no closer to penetrating the energy barrier of the leftover blood. All he could show for his efforts was a fatal accident where a broken Divine Ruling Chain flew out from one of the corpses and cut Austin's body in half.

Fortunately for him, he had learned the Phoenix Nirvana Skill. He hastily employed the technique and brought himself back from near death.

'Forget it.' He shook his head and dusted himself. 'There seems to be no way to absorb this energy.'

He turned around, intent on continuing on his journey and forgetting this disappointing episode.

He had taken only a few steps before he noticed another thing that made him pause.

"What?! Those are..." Around a crack in the space, countless dots of light were floating about, looking like dozens of fireflies.

Austin kept still as the tiny bright dots flitted past him.

He then opened the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor to take a careful look at them.

He could vaguely feel that something eerie was afoot among these balls of light.

"This is quite strange," he murmured to himself.

When he took another closer look at one of the shining dots, he discovered that it contained a very profound original energy.

Intrigued, he released a wave of his spiritual sense to take a keen feel of the dot.

Almost immediately, he felt a violent quiver through his soul.

When his trembling died down, he found that his spiritual sense had managed to enter the dot of light.

"No, no, no!" A roar full of outrage rang around the space and made Austin's eardrums ache.

"I am the most powerful warrior among Queen Siobhan's subordinates! I played a huge part in Emperor Haidar's conquest against the tribes led by his enemy Elliot!

To think that I would be framed by one of Elliot's minions and have him destroy my divine core! This is unacceptable!"

In the distance, Austin could make out the figure of a man atop a powerful horse.

His silver armor was coated with blood, and he held a long spear in one of his hands.

He was hollering to the sky. "Queen Siobhan! Emperor Haidar! Elliot!"

The mention of those three names had Austin speechless and rooted to the spot, so amazed at what he was hearing.

Those three characters were renowned, unparalleled beings.

Austin thought it safe to say that there was no one in existence from his homeland who did not know of these legendary figures.

"I fear none of you!" The man kept on his furious tirade, his roars ringing off into the space like dull thunder.

"None of the battle between real, giant swords, nor your little, devious tricks! My Heavenly Fighting Skill is comparable to none!"

Then he bounded of his horse and raised the silver spear in his hand.

It flashed a blinding light, like a silver sun shining on both heaven and earth.

Unbidden whatsoever, the armored man began to chant. "The first essential point to the Heavenly Fighting Skill is the will! The will goes first, and the mana goes second!" "Is he perhaps talking about the legendary fighting skill of the divine god?" Austin murmured, astounded and giddy at this unexpected discovery.

In the following moments, the silver-armored rider proceeded to display his skills.

The interesting bit was that he was naming and chanting every cultivation method as he demonstrated each skill.

Austin was mesmerized at this stroke of good luck.


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