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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3028

Austin wandered aimlessly in the park, and soon encountered an old man in traditional style garments. He was practicing Tai Chi slowly and gracefully.

'What? This can't even be called a fist skill. It looks more like a physical fitness activity!'

Austin could not help but laugh as he thought about what the old man was doing.

In contemporary times, martial arts was nothing but empty frames and gestures. It was more ostentatious, rather than practical. Furthermore, it lacked the energy support of the ancient practice.

However, it had all its goods in the window, so many people were still attracted to learn it.

In the eyes of cultivators like Austin who could fly in the air and travel underground, practicing such fist skills was child's play.

However, he found something that caught him by surprise.


Austin then stared at the old man and paid attention to every move he made.

The actions of the old man carried no energy of any form and were simply bodily movements.

However, each posture flowed into the next with utmost sophistication. He hastened his movement at one second, but then slowed it down the next like a streaming body of water. His moves were accompanied by intense focus and heavy breathing.

Gradually, the old man seemed to enter a state where his spirit, mind, and energy were combined in the most harmonious way.

Of course, the old man didn't realize it himself, and failed to see the truth behind it because he had embraced the art form as a whole.

He was a Tai Chi enthusiast who had been practicing the same moves every day for decades.

As time went by, he had taken it to a certain level.

Of course his understanding of the art was relatively coarse upon closer inspection.

However, it was amazing enough for an old man without any cultivation base to display the fist skill like this.

This also reinforced the fact that the school of Tai Chi prevailing across the country was not as simple as it looked. It contained something that common people could not comprehend even if they could perform it.

'Just like the sea cannot be measured with a bushel, I have been taught a valuable lesson today. I never expected that there is such a mysterious principle coinciding with the practice of Tai Chi. It is truly remarkable!'

Austin realized as he watched the old man from a distance.

He had practiced the law of polarity before, and thus had a deep understanding of the principle of Yin and Yang.

'I need to find time to thoroughly study Tai Chi, '

Austin thought to himself while he marveled at its greatness with awe.

"Hey, there! You look like someone who is interested in Tai Chi, correct?"

As Austin was lost in his thoughts, the old man approached him and looked at him curiously. He did not notice that the man in the traditional style garments had already stopped practicing.

"Oh, yes." Austin stumbled to compose himself. "Your moves look amazing! I couldn't take my eyes off it!"

Austin took a step forward and bowed to the old man to show his respect.

They sat at a bench in the park and talked for a while. Austin learned that the old was a Tai Chi fanatic, and had been practicing it for almost thirty years.

The old man's eyes sparkled with delight while he talked about the art of Tai Chi.

He was almost 90 years old, but his appearance made him look like a middle-aged man.

The old man had a healthy lifestyle. He ate fresh and organic food, drank his medicine regularly, and slept well for at least eight hours a day. Sickness or colds seldom fell upon him.

Of course, he also attributed his great physical condition to Tai Chi.

Austin agreed with him. The intent realm that the old man had generated unconsciously by practicing Tai Chi was indeed good for his physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.

During their conversation, Austin was completely baffled with what he had discovered.

It turned out that only ten years had passed since Austin had a car accident and left the Earth!

Hence, the space and time continuum of the Solar System indeed moved differently from that of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos!

'What? Has it really only been ten years?

Then, that must mean that most of my family members and friends are still alive!'

Austin thanked every god he knew in his mind.

He felt completely relieved and felt a hundred times lighter!

"Excuse me, sir. I saw that the old streets on the west side of the city had all been torn down. Do you have any idea where the residents who had lived there are now?"

Austin asked the old man.

He had lived there before he left Earth.

"Oh, that old block was demolished ten years ago. As of its former residents, I'm not exactly sure where they are now.

I heard that the government constructed a batch of buildings as a replacement to accommodate those residents.

Some of them moved into the units, but others purchased apartments in other places. However, a few of them left this small town to seek better estates.

It's been ten years.

Who knows where they are, what they are doing, or if they are even alive?

Why do you ask? Do you know someone who used to live there?"

the old man asked.

"Actually, yes. I lived there ten years ago. I traveled a lot during the past couple of years, and I never got a chance to come back and visit this town. Unfortunately, I lost contact with all my relatives and friends, but I hope I can find them,"

Austin said sadly.


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