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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3037

The young man in front of him was not stout. He was too thin and slim to be a great fighter. Moreover, they could not sense any fluctuation of energy coming from him.

"Ha-ha! That's too funny!

This whole time that we've been sat here, I've been trying to picture who could possibly want to find his fame by finding fault with the Xu Clan from the southwest, and I guessed that it must be someone from a major sect or a big martial arts clan.

It never occurred to me that it's just a young boy!

Sirs, I have participated in two sessions of the martial arts contest, so I have seen all the outstanding figures from every sect and clan in our country.

I'm especially impressed by the young talents of those most powerful sects and clans. I remember them very well.

But this brat, I've never seen him in my life!

He clearly doesn't have any one else supporting him.

As far as I'm concerned, he is just a lone wolf that has lost his way,"

a young man in white robe said, walking out from behind the three elders. His words were full of mockery and spite, and he finished them by laughing wildly as if he had witnessed the most ridiculous thing under heaven.

Unlike Austin, the young man in white robe looked extraordinarily strong. Even his smile was arrogant and sinful.

He was the most gifted young man among the younger generation of the Xu Clan in the southwest.

When the three elders' gazes landed on him, they softened.

"Really? You are sure that that young man doesn't come from any of the major sects or clans?"

After the young man in the white robe had finished speaking, the three elders and all the other people from the Xu Clan in the southwest had an angry look shadow their faces.

They had been expecting a formidable warrior and instead, their enemy was a young boy with no background. The offense was now tenfold.

"Sirs, please let me be the one to punish this brat. I have been practicing for this moment and I won't let you down!"

the young man in a white robe shouted while he took a confident step in Austin's direction.

Suddenly, a powerful force entered the air and washed over everyone nearby.

Beneath the young man, his white robe billowed up and outwards like a balloon and everyone stared at him, impressed.

"How is he doing that?"

Applause rang out over the courtyard as all the members of the Xu Clan cheered and hollered.

The Xu Clan's members in the provincial capital looked especially envious of the young man's super ability.

It was rare to see such a magical skill among ordinary people—to billow up the clothes with the force emitted from a body without having to move, that was a scene that could only be seen in movies and television.

It was all happening in front of their own eyes! That made it even more unbelievable.

"Wow. He really is a genius among the young generation of the Xu Clan!


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