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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3047

They went back home after that.

"Austin, what the hell is going on! Tell us the truth!"

Suddenly, his parents were yelling at Austin.

"Dad, Mom, please let me explain..."

Looking at his parents' faces that were full of worry and concern, Austin knew that it was time to tell them the whole truth. There was no point hiding it from them anymore.

"Austin, actually I have been wanting to ask you for a long time. Ten years ago, after you had a car accident in Smile City, I arrived at the funeral home of Smile City and saw your dead body.

Your body has been kept in the funeral home of Smile City since then.

And now you just suddenly came back. This is beyond surprising. I am at a loss for words and can't even begin to describe the overwhelming feeling that we have right now. We are overjoyed, relieved and terrified at the same time!

I actually asked for three days' leave and went to Smile City. Then I saw your dead body at the mortuary of the funeral home there.

When I came back, I didn't dare to ask you the reason because I was afraid all of this was not true.

I was afraid that this was just a dream.

Now, Austin, you should explain what happened to us,"

Austin's brother, Chad, standing beside them, said slowly after taking a deep breath.

"What? Austin's dead body is still lying in a funeral home in Smile City?" Austin's parents were completely shocked by Chad's words. "But Austin, you are standing in front of us now..."

Completely confused, they turned to Austin.

"Austin, you're not a ghost, are you? Or maybe you are? You came back to keep us company because you miss us so much, right?"

His mother's eyes also turned red.

"Really? After the car accident, my body was kept in the funeral home of Smile City for that long?

How come? Why didn't you cremate my body?

Tell me, Chad!"

Austin felt that something was amiss.

"Actually, I did, request that.

But everything happened so fast. Back then, I gave instructions to cremate your body so that I could bring your ashes back to our hometown and our family could grieve.

However, some weird and mysterious people came to me, saying that your car accident case had many questionable points. In order to conduct a thorough investigation, your body couldn't be cremated at the time.

They gave me some money to keep me quiet. They specifically instructed that I couldn't tell anyone about it.

Within the past ten years, I went to Smile City several times. I wanted to fulfill my duty and have your body cremated, so that you could finally rest in peace. Also, our family needed a sense of closure. So it was the right thing to do. But I failed every time,"

Chad said slowly while trying to recall every detail as much as he could.

"Right. Okay."

Austin nodded.

His intuition was telling him that something was wrong.

Back then, after getting drunk, he lost all control and reason, and without thinking, he rushed out to the middle of the road. That was how he got run over by a fast-approaching vehicle. Although it was tragic, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Countless people around the world died every day from vehicular accidents caused by alcohol intoxication.

However, it was unusual that the dead body was not released to the family and held for ten years, frozen in a mortuary without being cremated.

That was something that didn't happen to everyone else.

'Well, I must look into it and do my own investigation, '

Austin thought.

Then Austin began to explain to his parents and his elder brother what he had gone through over the past several years, what he had seen and done, as well as the people and other creatures he had met.

From the very beginning, no matter how hard Austin tried to explain, his parents and his elder brother found it very hard to believe. They still hadn't gotten past the fact that he was still alive while his dead body was lying cold somewhere else.

How could a person encounter a car accident, die from it while the soul traveled to distant worlds and dimensions?

He had become the top master of the universe by practicing martial arts?

Austin's parents and elder brother were all stunned. They all looked at each other, then back to Austin. They were trying their best to believe his stories.

Austin's experience over the years was just like fantasy fiction they would read in books.

However, it didn't match anything in reality. No one would believe it!

After a while, Austin got impatient. He used his Omnipotent Bodily Skill to lift his parents and his elder brother and soared up into the sky with them. He flew back and forth and circled around town before taking them to a secluded place.

Fortunately, no one looked up to see them flying around in the night sky.

Otherwise, it would cause a huge sensation and even hysteria.

In less than a minute, Austin, along with his parents and his elder brother, landed at the dense forest high in mountains. It was miles away from the town.



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