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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 306

When Austin noticed that there was a level two double-headed snake hawk inhabited in a cave at the end of a steep and slippery cliff high up the mountain, he headed towards the direction in a rush.

Since he could use his vital energy to fly, he didn't have to toil up the steep cliff and within minutes, he could see the cave in sight. However, as he got closer to have a better look, a sudden gust of piercing wind blew out of the cave. He took a step back in caution and then peered at the cave from a safe distance. He saw that deep in the cave, in complete darkness, four green balls glinted and twinkled at him.

Suddenly, Austin heard roaring and rustling sounds. The green balls started to enlarge and the wind became even stronger. Something was moving and slithering out of the cave. Undeterred, Austin waited to see what it was. In a blur, the creature shot out from the cave, whizzed over Austin's head and circled in the air before landing in front of him. From its appearance, Austin instantly recognized the animal as none other than the double-headed snake hawk that he had been looking for. True to his expectation, the animal had two snake heads while its torso was that of a hawk. The four green balls he had seen earlier were its eyes producing a green light in the darkness of the cave.

The double-headed snake hawk felt threatened at Austin's unexpected arrival. With cautious eyes, it glared at Austin for a moment before making a loud, shrill sound of threats. Austin neither stepped back nor walked forward. For a moment, both the animal and Austin stood facing and seizing each other, gauging the opponent's strength. Suddenly, the animal unfurled its wings and flew straight towards Austin.

"Yes, come, you ugly thing. Show me what you have got," Austin murmured.

In an instant, Austin took a fighting stance and pulled out his Violet Royal Sword. He rapidly put the level two sword intent into action. Suddenly, thirty rays of sword-light emitted from the sword as Austin transferred his vital energy to it. He brandished his sword and waved its rays of light over the impending beast.

The double-headed snake hawk sensed the danger at once, but it was a tad too late. In fear, it strove to beat a hasty retreat. But, since it was flying at an insanely fast speed towards Austin, it was impossible for it to slow down immediately and turn back.

Before it could even turn around, the rays of the sword-light had already reached it. In an instant, the thirty rays of sword-light bored thirty holes into its body.

The blood splattered out of the double-headed snake hawk's body like a red fountain and spread on the ground slowly dripping over the cliff below.

The blow was lethal. In a scream of unbearable pain, the beast dived down the cliff. After a few seconds, Austin heard a dull thud: it was dead.

After vanquishing the animal, Austin briskly slipped into the cave. The inside space of the cave was impressively big, and the scent of the snake hawk still lingered in the atmosphere. Although the place was not the cleanest place on earth as it was smelly and littered with fecal matter, it was still better than hovering outside with nowhere to hide and rest. So, Austin opted to stay in the cave for the time being.


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