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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3065

Suddenly, the crack of skin against skin rang out in the room as the manager flew a few meters from where he stood only seconds ago.

He had barely finished speaking when Austin hit him, and now he lay pitifully on the ground.

He groaned as he tried to get up on all fours, then screamed like a pig facing the butcher's knife.

"Guards! Summon the entire security team and seize that bastard!"

Almost a hundred uniformed men appeared in an instant, each of them carrying batons and Taser guns.

This was only to be expected, since this was one of the most prominent auction houses where very precious items regularly traded hands.

Naturally they always had a highly capable security team at the ready.

Most of the guards were mercenaries from all over the world, and had all gone through life threatening situations.

Their skills were not to be trifled with.

The men surrounded Austin and started to aggressively crown into his space.

Austin raised a hand in one abrupt motion.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the blink of an eye, about two dozen of the armed men were shot off of their feet, flying a considerable distance away from Austin and knocking the others with the impact.

A dead silence fell over the room.

Everyone was visibly shocked at the strength he just displayed, having thrown several brawny men effortlessly as if he were merely swatting away flies.

The minds of ordinary people were having difficulty comprehending such a thing.

"Is he a superhuman?" came a hushed whisper among the mercenaries.

They eyed Austin suspiciously, as though they were discovering a monster in their midst.

The fat man and his cohorts regarded him with frightened eyes, not daring to take a step forward or say another word for fear of provoking him.

They weren't the only humans gawking at him, however.

The martial artists in attendance were also looking at him with apprehension and anxiety on their faces.

Among them, quiet remarks were also being exchanged. "Who on earth is he? When did such a terrifying master appear in the Brilliant Kingdom?"

"As far as I can remember, no such person exists."

"This man's identity is very suspicious indeed. Does anyone know of his background?"

In one corner of the hall stood two men, one of which was old and clad in black, while the other was of middle age and dressed ordinarily.

"Judging from what he just did, he would be powerful enough to have defeated Python," the middle aged man whispered.

"So you're saying this man was the one who killed Python?

Contact the head of the funeral home in Smile City immediately and send this bastard's portrait to confirm his identity.

Move, now!"

One of the warrior servants escorting them instantly left to carry out the old man's orders.

Meanwhile, Austin was slowly walking towards the manager.

He waved his hand in the air, and out of nowhere a golden bidding paddle landed square on the trembling man's face.

"Take a good look at what that is," Austin spoke coldly.

"Now decide whether I'm here to joke and eat and drink my way around or to bid for the items in auction." "It's a golden bidding paddle," the manager blubbered. "But how... this is impossible!"

He looked up at Austin, his eyes and mouth wide open in shock.

The bidding paddles for the auctions in Cassede were classified into different colors, each designating the financial power and social status of the bidders.

The golden paddle was, of course, the most prestigious of all.

It could only be obtained after a participant paid at least fifty million dollars as surety.

Naturally, anyone who held a golden paddle held precedence over the whole affair.

At this point, the manager's mind was working wildly.

'So he isn't here to make trouble at all.

He had paid us fifty million dollars and is nothing less than a VIP.'

He knew he was in a precarious situation given his previous treatment of this guest.

It wasn't hard to put two and two together; Austin was clearly a very rich man.

Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to obtain the paddle.

The manager shuddered a little when he thought how he had almost driven away a VIP. If he had ever made that mistake, Cassede's image would be ruined, and he couldn't even begin to imagine what the higher-ups might have done to him.

Losing his job would be the least of his problems.

He sought to rectify it immediately as he got on his feet and gave the young man a low bow.

When he looked up again he was wearing an eager expression, and there was no doubt in anyone's mind that his zeal was directed solely on pleasing Austin.

He handed back the golden paddle.


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