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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3073

The stout old man who was dating Alice walked up to the elder. After he mustered up some courage, he opened his mouth.

"Sir, there must be some kind of misunderstanding. I can explain..." the stout man said to the elder gingerly.

However, the elder just cast him an indifferent glance. He turned around and made his way towards the exit of the auction hall.

"Prepare yourself. You will become a pauper in a few days.

That's the consequence of offending the wrong person,"

the alluring woman said and then followed the elder out of the room.

"Humph! So what if you are richer than me?

I don't believe that you can turn me into a beggar... not within a few days... not ever!"

the stout old man shouted angrily.

The old man and the beautiful girl had already left the auction room before the stout old man could finish his sentence.

A couple of days later, all the stout man's companies suffered great losses due to different problems. Some of his corporations got hammered in the stock market, while others took a nosedive.

Moreover, he had been filed lawsuits. Not only did he lose everything he owned, but he also became debt-ridden. In just a week, he had become a pauper.

To no one's surprise, Alice split up with him in an instant.

That was the fate of the old stout man after he left the auction house.

Meanwhile, Austin headed straight to the suburbs.

Not long after he walked out of the auction house, a large number of people rushed out and followed him closely.

Fortunately, he could see his pursuers using his spiritual sense.

He called for a cab and went straight to the suburbs.

Although martial artists had a very high status in the modern society, they avoided breaking the law for they did not want to go against the government in public.

After all, the contemporary civilization was regulated by the constitution and its bylaws.

Therefore, those martial artists did not take action in the city. Instead, they followed Austin to the suburbs.

Soon, Austin came into a deserted place.

According to the cab driver, this place used to be mass grave a long time ago.

Austin got off the car and stepped into the wilderness. He found himself on a deserted open field. Then, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

He unleashed his spiritual sense to perceive his surroundings. Immediately, he sensed off-road vehicles making their way towards him at a fast speed from afar.

'Ever since I merged with my original body, I have received less suppressing force from nature that was against me.

My vital energy realm also seems to have returned to the medium stage of Mysterious Realm.

Since I was born and raised on Earth, I feel like the world is nicer to my former body, '

Austin thought to himself.

At that point, his cultivation base was at the medium stage of Mysterious Realm.

"Look, he's over there!"

A man's voice echoed.

In a few seconds, a hundred cars galloped one after another into the deserted area where Austin sat peacefully.

A dozen figures also rushed towards Austin. They were even faster than the vehicles that moved at full speed.

Using his spiritual sense, Austin was surprised to find out that those people who were running towards him had the strength equal to cultivators either at the eighth or ninth level of the Energy Gathering Realm.

'Wait! Four of these people are as powerful as the masters at the Earth Realm.

They decided to play it low-key and stay inside their vehicles, ' Austin sneered in his thoughts.

Thanks to his powerful spiritual sense, it only took him a few seconds to figure out the cultivation base of all his pursuers.

Four of them were at the Earth Realm, while the rest of them were at least at the Energy Gathering Realm. A dozen of them were either at the eighth or ninth level of the Energy Gathering Realm.

Compared to Austin, they were as weak as ants.

Soon, a large number of people closed in on Austin.

"Hey, brat! You have the balls to stay here and wait for us."

"Does this brat really think he can fight against us by himself?"

"You rascal! Hand over everything you have now!"

However, Austin did not move an inch.

Just then, an elder in black clothes got off an off-road car. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Austin.

"Brat, tell me the truth. Did you steal that dead body in the funeral home of the Smile City?

Did you murder those people in our sect?" the elder grilled Austin in a stern tone.


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