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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3077

"Stop it, you bastard!"

A voice suddenly rang out.

It was laced with unmistakable fury, and bore the weight of power and authority, as if coming from a god about to mete out punishment.

Three figures suddenly appeared in front of Austin, blocking his way.

One of them was an old man with silver hair, while the other two looked to be of middle age.

They all bore good physiques despite their age, and had a dignified air about them that quickly quieted the rampage.

They were, without a doubt, top martial artists.

"So you are Austin!" spoke the silver-haired elder. He was the chief of the Xu Clan, Skylar.

Austin cocked his head slightly to the side before giving a casual nod. "That's right."

"You dare to be so nonchalant after having killed so many man of our Xu Clan!"

The old man was gritting his teeth, his fury and resentment hanging heavily in the air.

"It's just as well that you are not denying anything. Today you will die by my hands!"

Austin remained nonplussed.

He had made his own assumptions in his head, concluding that the old man before him must be the chief of the Xu Clan.

"Of course I won't be denying that I killed the men sent by your clan.

Why should I, when I have a very good reason behind my actions?

Your people must have thought it was a brilliant idea to mess with my family.

That was more than enough reason for me to obliterate your clan from the face of the world." He clasped his hands behind his back as he finished speaking.

The old man laughed at his face. "You are one arrogant brat! We'll see if you even have the ability to do so!"

"How dare you, you little bastard!" One of the men beside Skylar spat out.

"The Xu Clan is kept under the Heavenly Mountain Sect's wing.

An affront to the Xu Clan is an affront to the Heavenly Mountain Sect!

You filthy brat, tell us which sect do you even belong to, and who is your master?

How dare you provoke the most prestigious Heavenly Mountain Sect?

Have you no sense of self-preservation?"

"Ha, he obviously has a death wish!" The other man chimed in. "No one in the Brilliant Kingdom, not even in the whole world, would ever dare disrespect the Heavenly Mountain Sect.

You are nothing but a young pup. How can you be so shameless with your crimes?

Did your elders never teach you the basic rules?"

Both of Skylar's cahoots were looking smug as they told Austin off.

They relished in throwing their weight around, relying on the name of the Heavenly Mountain Sect to loom over whomever they wished to intimidate.

After all, the sect was known to have harbored a good number of great masters.

Although they themselves were only ordinary elders of the Heavenly Mountain Sect, they had been enjoying the respect to and authority of the name wherever they went.

Austin brushed off their threats with ease.

"I don't care about your puny Heavenly Mountain Sect.

Anyone in this world who makes the mistake of harming my family is going to pay the price.

All that power and authority you throw around means nothing to me.

Since you guys have always been eagerly provoking me, I will annihilate you all as I like."

The old men laughed at him again.

"Well, this certainly is the first time I've ever heard a rotten bastard declare that he is going to exterminate the Heavenly Mountain Sect!

He must be out of his mind!"

"Elders," Skylar said as their mirth subsided. "Let's joint hands and make sure this bastard dies here today."

In truth, he delighted in Austin's words.

Now this young man had fully and irrevocably lain insult to the Heavenly Mountain Sect.

Skylar was sure that the powerful sect would never let the offense slide, and he now had better chances at defeating Austin with their help.

"No need for that," one of the two elders stated as he drew out a long sword. "I can handle this brat by myself."


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