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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3086

In the depths of the cave was hidden a huge underground palace, surrounded by thick clusters of demonic aura and emitting a fierce intent that sent those of a meek heart scuttling away. The aura was so thick that a simple swing of the hand made an entire vortex.

After traversing through a long tunnel, Austin finally arrived in the deepest part of the underground palace; here the demonic aura was thicker than any other places he had passed on the way. And to add to the mystery and supernatural feel of the place, a weird bright red light shrouded the whole space.

Whilst walking in the midst of such a thick demonic aura, Austin felt like he was a fish swimming in a deep and dense sea. He was completely wrapped by the flowing demonic aura around him and seeing anything around him was really hard.

The same unknown demonic aura was also inserting amounts of fear into his heart constantly.

In addition to that, this palace was also full of a terrifying sword aura.

The sword aura was so dense that it had actually materialized into numerous visible swords, which howled and hovered in the air and dashed away in all directions, leaving countless cracks in the very fabric of this space which persisted there long after the swords were gone.

It seemed that this kind of sword aura, which was full of a killing intent, had been pestering and growing here for a long time. Although its killing power had decreased by a large extent because of the lapse of time, it was still pretty powerful. This stunned Austin to the core.

Fortunately, his physical strength was remarkable and his body had reached such a high level of cultivation that it could be used as a magic weapon. Therefore, he didn't have to dodge away when the swords hit him. Except for the continuous fits of crisp sounds caused by the swords, his body remained intact among the sea of swords.

From time to time, he also reached out and grabbed a couple of swords that passed by him. Just by touching them, he could clearly feel the tremendous sword intent contained inside them.

'These swords with killing intents must have been left here by a powerful sword immortal. The sword intent contained in them is too profound to decipher!'

Austin was unable to read anything about them.

As for the members of the Divine Moon Sect, they all took out their jade badges to show their identity once they reached this place. Even after that, they were being so careful that they didn't even dare to breathe heavily.

The thick demonic aura had permeated every corner of the palace and the terrifying swords were dangerous enough to tear any creature that broke in here.

"Is that guy's body made of iron? How could he remain this composed and unhurt in the shower of swords?"

Hearing the clinking sounds caused by the collision of the swords with Austin's body, they were forced to turn around and look at him in awe and surprise. They were dumbfounded to see that the man was walking in the midst of a sea of demonic aura and swords without any apparent harm. He had even reached out his hands to grab some of those swords a couple of times.

Very soon, they arrived in front of a huge altar that appeared out of nowhere in the demonic aura.


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