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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 309

To Austin's utter disappointment, neither he nor Violet could identify the strange little beast in front of them. Neither of them had encountered or even heard of such a creature.

"Well, we have lingered in this cave for a couple of days already, and I think it's time for us to go," Austin said, giving up on studying the little beast. Although neither of them could recognize it, it seemed quite cute and adorable from Austin's perspective, and he somehow grew fond of it.

So he decided to leave it alone instead of bringing it along, and leave the place at once.

But to his surprise, the little creature suddenly hopped out of the cave. It took a few steps before looking back at the two of them. The creature then waved at him with its small paw, earnestly, which left Austin confused and amazed. It took Austin quite a while to realize what it was trying to say to them.

It actually wanted Austin to follow it somewhere which was beyond weird.

Seeing that the little beast acted so much like human beings, Austin's interest immediately peaked. But he was still not sure whether he really understood what it meant. Pointing to himself, he curiously asked, "Did you just ask me to follow you?"

The little thing nodded vigorously like an eager child who just got the attention of an adult, which had added to its cuteness. It then turned and hopped on quickly.

Austin was very much intrigued. Without thinking twice, he ran out of the cave and followed the little beast, the curious Violet on his heels. He was very eager to find out where the beast wanted him to go.

The beast sped up after they got out of the cave. Before Austin and Violet could catch up with it, the little beast suddenly jumped across the cliff and raced through the obstacle course.

The two of them had to use bodily movement skill to try to catch up with it. The little beast was incredibly fast. The fact that its size was small had only added to its agility. It was like a whizzing ball of fur in the distance. It darted in the mountains like an arrow, and at every turn of the road Austin thought that they were going to lose track of it. They never managed to catch up with it until after an hour of playing follow the leader, when they reached a dark and mysterious forest in the mountain.

It wasn't a vast forest, but it was really dark and dreary. Sunlight was unable to penetrate through the thick canopy of the towering trees. Austin felt as if they had suddenly entered a different and isolated world. The place was so cold and creepy. They had to stoop down while walking through the dense forage and hanging vines. Even the grass was so thick that they had a hard time going through it.

It was even harder to trace the beast in this dense jungle, but luckily it came to a halt after a while.

Austin paused and saw the little thing turn around and point to something in front of it.

'Is there something up ahead?' Austin wondered. 'Maybe that's the reason why this little fellow earnestly brought us here.'

Driven by intense curiosity, Austin lifted his foot and was about to go in the indicated direction, but the beast instantly stopped him in his tracks by placing its paw in front of Austin's legs. What was more, it even made the "shh" sign by placing its finger on its lips, like a little boy silently scolding an adult to keep quiet.

Austin understood what it meant at once. It wanted him to move cautiously and quietly, perhaps whatever laid ahead was easily frightened, and might run away even with the slightest sound, a sign of danger approaching.

Austin obediently did what it suggested, and activated the Wind-commanding Skill. Without his feet touching the ground, he quietly flew towards the direction that the little beast had just pointed, like a ghost swooping in.

Austin wasn't even able to go very far when he was suddenly greeted by a burst of red and white light which came out from nowhere.


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