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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3108

Everyone in the arena was gawking at Austin in amazement, wondering who this fiercely powerful young man was.

He managed to defeat hundreds of top masters from the Brilliant Kingdom all by himself!

The younger ones, in particular, among the audience were deeply shocked at the unbelievable scene that had just unfolded.

"Master, you are amazing!"

Yulia exclaimed when she finally came to her senses, giving Austin a quiet little applause.

In her eyes, he was an invincible warrior, like the otherworldly beings she'd only heard of in tall tales of old.

"This is impossible," Hiram muttered as he, too, stared in shock. "Is that person even human, or is he a devil?!"

He had been sure that Austin would die in this arena.

However, things quickly developed in the direction that was completely opposite to his expectations.

In a quiet corner, the sect leader of the Emerald Sect huddled with three superior elders.

"This young man is indeed in the rank of the supernatural powers recorded in the ancient books!"

They muttered in relief, glad that they had nothing to do with this particular fight.

Meanwhile, paying his wide-eyed spectators no mind, Austin slowly walked towards the five elders from the Divine Moon Sect.

A cold murderous intent thrummed in the air about him as he approached the old men.

The crowd watched enraptured, every single one of them frozen with tension at what was bound to happen.

"Ha-ha!" One of the elders exclaimed, seeming oblivious to the quiet rage directed towards them.

He and his comrades were eyeing Austin as if he was a priceless treasure that was about to bring them good fortune.

"It appears that you're indeed part of that experiment! The successful part!

It's all good now that you've come back alive. Very good indeed!"

Another elder stepped in, and his voice was calm and soothing as he addressed Austin.

"You are, without a doubt, highly cultivated now. You've probably been teleported to a different world of a higher level, seeing as how you've managed to make such incredible achievements in only ten years.

You were but an average person a decade ago, but now you're a force to be reckoned with. Nevertheless, I don't think you can even begin to comprehend just how powerful we are as the Divine Moon Sect.

We carry a distinguished history and an unimaginable inheritance of power. To challenge our sect by yourself is ridiculous. Not to mention how dangerous it is for you.

The wiser option would be for us to come to an understanding and shake on it. There is no need to resort to combat."

"Oh really?" Austin sneered as he came to a stop a short distance away from where the elders of Divine Moon Sect stood.

"That would be a shame, I think, since I really want to know just how powerful your inheritance is!"

Then he activated the Omnipotent Lightness, and charged towards the elders.

He unleashed a heavy and powerful blow as he came upon them.

His punch bore the exquisite cultivation method of the Divine Fist Skill, which had a divine force that could crush mountains and overturn seas.

"How dare you!" The elders cursed at Austin.

None of them dared to meet the attack head-on. Instead, they flapped the wings on their back and swiftly distanced themselves from Austin as five streams of light.

Even so, they could feel the horrible power in that single blow alone.

In fact, their wings were flapping violently in a desperate attempt to dodge it.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Five silver gray scrolls suddenly appeared, landing on each of the elders' outstretched palms.

They quickly unfolded the scrolls and hurled them into the air as one.

Streams of energy shot out of the scrolls like tempestuous gray rivers.

They raged across the sky and darted towards Austin.

A thick gray mist quickly followed, shrouding the entire arena.

Nothing could be seen beyond an arm's length.

Everyone was understandably on edge.

Without warning, the earth and sky started to quiver, and everyone lost their balance.

The weaker ones were already on the ground, unable to regain their footing as the trembling intensified.


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