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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3113

The four elders nodded, admitting that they were the founding fathers of the four sects.

"It is our honor to meet you!"

All the people of the Martial Sect, the Heavenly Mountain Sect, the Emerald Sect, and the West Mountain Sect, exchanged flabbergasted glances. They were very surprised and overjoyed. They abandoned everything and immediately knelt down before the four old people to show respect.

The four old men were the top martial artists that had gained reputation hundreds of years ago. Each of them held a very high rank in the martial arts field.

However, they had been out of public sight and lived in seclusion for a long time. They simply focused on their cultivation.

Even the sects they were originated from thought that they passed away a long time ago.

But now, they showed up all of a sudden.

The members of the four sects were very excited.

The four old men were also ecstatic to see the disciples of their own sect's young generations. They asked the top officials about the current situation of their respective groups.

Meanwhile, Austin stood in the distance quietly.

"Sir, how are you? Were you badly hurt?"

The leader of the Emerald Sect and the three superior elders were extremely worried as they looked at the Snow-treading Old Man's bloody body.

"I won't die for the time being,"

the Snow-treading Old Man bitterly chuckled.


As soon as he reassured the members from the Emerald Sect, he spat a mouthful of blood. He looked very pale and feeble.

He was in a fatal condition as soon as he received Austin's powerful blow. Half of his body was broken and immobilized. Although he managed to survive the attack, he was now on his last moments. The punch was too much for him to bear.

Despite his condition, Austin actually hadn't used his full potential just yet. He was being merciful. Had he used his maximum capacity, he would have killed the Snow Treading Old man in a single slap.

"Austin, since our sect has treated you as our guest of honor, can you cure our ancestor's injury?"

All of a sudden, the Emerald Sect's leader, together with the three superior elders, approached Austin and bent down. They were begging him to do something with their ancestor's condition.

"What do you want me to do? That old guy ran to me and tried to kill me even though I did nothing to offend him. Now I'm expected to heal his wounds?

I am not that compassionate and tender."

Austin crossed his arms, slightly irked with their request.

Then, Yulia's grandfather winked at the girl.

Yulia decided to ignore her grandfather's pleas, but seeing her grandfather begging her softened her heart.


Yulia looked straight into Austin's eyes as if they were conversing about something.

"Fine. I will treat him for Yulia's sake."

Austin eventually agreed.

He took out two drops of the Magic Sea Water and asked the old man to swallow them.

The handicapped part of the Snow-treading Old Man quickly recovered. The crowd couldn't believe their eyes. They had their mouth agape in shock. In just a few minutes, he was as good as before.

Aside from regaining his health, he was also brimming with vital energy. No one could guess that this old guy was severely injured moments ago!

After the four old people reunited with their sects for half a day, they left with Austin.

They had been living in seclusion for several hundred years, and they never thought of returning to their sects. All of them had no intention of being involved in their sects business anymore.

In an isolated valley of the Karakoram Mountain, the four elders spent half a day to teach Austin the Flying Swordsmanship.

As a result, Austin owned the Flying Swordsmanship of the four sects: the Martial Sect, the Heavenly Mountain Sect, the Emerald Sect, and the West Mountain Sect.

Actually Austin had learnt the Flying Swordsmanship of the Emerald Sect from their superior elder.

But the version of the Snow-treading Old Man was more comprehensive.

In return, Austin also gave the four old people some advice on how to cultivate.

Moreover, he also gave them a small part of his cultivation resources.

Austin's cultivation base was much higher compared to the four old guys'.

Although he only gave them a few minutes of advice, he had solved many problems for the four old men, which had been bothering them over the years. As a result, they became enlightened all of a sudden!

When it came to their cultivation, Austin's help tremendously made them delighted, as if they had heard the choirs of heaven. In just a few moments, they already understood a lot what they did not know before!

"Ha ha. After your valuable instructions, I think I will break through soon!"

"Three hundred years have passed. Finally, I am able to make a breakthrough soon!"


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