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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3116

"I killed someone! I killed him!"

Austin's mother was flustered, on edge of a panic attack. It was reasonable. After all, this was the very first time she had killed someone. Her whole life, she had never thought of taking someone's life.

It turned out to be as easy as waving off a fly. She simply did what her son had taught her to do.

The sword was so sharp and her maneuver was swift and accurate, so it chopped her opponent's head off in one single move.

"Mom, you did well. Don't feel guilty about it at all. You heard them before. These people are obviously coming at us with evil plans. If you don't kill them, they will kill us.

Austin has told us that we can't afford to be softhearted in the martial arts world where enemies are everywhere.

We have to stay strong. We've got no other options. Please take it easy. It's the right thing to do!"

Chad stepped forward, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to comfort her. He knew his mother well and understood what she was going through.

"You did nothing wrong, mom. Things have changed. We are no longer ordinary people. I didn't take it seriously before, either. But now I know. We've embarked on a completely different journey in life and this is our path now.

You'll get used to it soon enough," he said comfortingly.

At the same time, Austin's father also cast an encouraging glance at his wife.


I know, I know. I can do this! Thank you."

Their mother gradually calmed down, and her eyes became firm.

From a distance, Austin had witnessed all these with his own eyes. He was glad that his parents and brother were more adaptable than he had expected. He now had one less thing to worry about.

"Humph. Well, come on. All of you! Enough with the family drama."

The old man in a grey robe waved his hand, and dozens of black armored soldiers surrounded the three of them at the same time. Austin's family was outnumbered, fifty to one.

In the hands of each soldier was a red iron chain, which gave off a ghastly rattling sound every time they moved.

Fighting alone, these solders were not at all threatening, not showing any formidable capacity.

But it was a different story when they were united. Together they formed an array, which could effectively unleash their full power.

"I am so sorry, but I'm afraid I'm unable to protect your family from this army."

The mountain god shook his head with a sigh, feeling extremely guilty.

Not far away, there were hundreds more soldiers, ready to attack at any time.

Besides, the old man in grey robe hadn't made a move from beginning to end. He must be the strongest one, saving his strength only for the most powerful opponents.

Under this situation, the mountain god was sure that it was impossible for all three of them to emerge from this unharmed.

"Well, at least, this mountain god is a man who can keep his promises. He's reliable and trustworthy,"

Austin murmured as he nodded his head, far away from the crowd.


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