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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3118

The earthly yellow dragons chased after the people of the Novel Court from the Western Kingdom. Angry roars and screams of their victims resounded in the entire place.

In less than two seconds, the dragons had  killed all members of the Novel Court from the Western Kingdom except for the old man in the grey robe.

"I can't believe that Austin is an expert at earth-exploring!" the mountain god Hogan exclaimed in surprise.

He could see that Austin created the powerful dragons from the earth energy.

"Austin, you are a monster!" the elder in grey robe screamed.

The scene that unfolded before his eyes shocked and angered him to the core.

He tried to save his men but failed. Before he knew it, the dragons appeared and extinguished his people. They were all killed and there was nothing he could do to save them.

"No offense taken. This is the price you have to pay for provoking me,"

Austin replied with an impassive expression.

"The so-called Divine Moon Sect is actually the Novel Court from the Western Kingdom, am I right?"

Austin asked as he glared at the old man in gray robes.

"Yes. The Novel Court from the Western Kingdom has expanded its influence in the Brilliant Kingdom.

The Divine Moon Sect is one of its branches,"

Hogan explained.

By this time, he was helping the other three members of the Heavenly Court get up.

The three men were in a poor physical condition after the people of the Novel Court tortured them for years.

"It turns out that the Divine Moon Sect is a branch of the Novel Court from the Western Kingdom in the Brilliant Kingdom!"

Austin's companions were shocked at the information. They had several encounters with the Divine Moon Sect in the past, and they were never aware of this.

This news would definitely take the martial arts world of the Brilliant Kingdom by surprise.

Who would have thought the famous Divine Moon Sect which was founded a few hundred years ago was a branch of the Novel Court from the Western Kingdom?

"Even if you knew about it, you still cannot change anything.

In general, the strength of the martial artists in the Brilliant Kingdom is very weak.

Soon, our leader will send a group of people to back me up.

You will all be under the control of our Novel Court, and we will establish a prosperous epoch of martial arts,"

the elder said, his voice full of conviction.

The declaration of the old man in grey robe angered the Snow-treading Old Man, the Heavenly Swordsman, the Moon Taoist and Bowen. The four of them were prominent figures in the martial arts world of the Brilliant Kingdom.

"So you want to control us?

You are so ambitious!" the Snow-treading Old Man exclaimed.

"We are all people of our gods. We should be united.

Our divine leader is the messenger of the gods. You should let him rule over you and your people,"

the old man in grey robes said in an effort to convince the people in front of him.

"Screw your damn gods! They are your gods, not ours. Why should we worship them? We are not foolish like you,"

the Snow-treading Old Man snapped back in anger.

"How dare you insult our gods? They will punish you."

The old man in grey robes shouted in rage.

"I don't know about your gods, but I know I will punish you!" Austin mocked.

He stepped forward and released his physical strength. The ground trembled with the overwhelming energy.

Startled, the grey-robed elder opened his hand in mid-air and released a silver wand with a white skull.

"Brave old spirits, I summon you. Anoint me with your powers. Aid me as I fight against evil on behalf of our gods!"

the elder chanted as he raised his wand in the air.

Soon, a thick grey fog surfaced behind him.

From the thick fog, a group of  soldiers took shape and marched forward. They were cold and lifeless.

"Austin, these are the spirits of cultivators who died in battle years ago. They were all loyal soldiers of the gods. Even beyond death, they would fight for our gods once we summon them,"

the old man in grey robe said as he pointed at the lifeless soldiers.


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