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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 314

Austin and Violet were both astonished to hear that the valley was where the Ghost Sect once stood. They were also surprised to hear the story of the Ghost Sect's destruction as well.

"Thank you for telling us. I have been here for some time now but I didn't have any idea about what this place was at all. I wouldn't have known if it weren't for you."

Austin said with gratitude.

"Okay, I think this is enough. Why do you need to talk to this man so much?"

The taller man said impatiently while sparing Austin a resentful glance.

"Now that you know what this place is, you should leave as soon as possible. This is a dangerous place and if you're looking for fun, you would not find it here. Get out now if you cherish your life."

The other man shouted at Austin.

Austin was being treated rudely but he still kept his calm.

"Violet, let's leave now."

He took Violet's hand in his and they were about to leave.

"Wait a minute. I asked you to leave, young man, not her. I think we'll have some fun with this beautiful girl first."

The taller man said while staring at Violet with eager eyes.

His two female companions giggled as if they knew what would happen next. It seemed that they were used to this kind of things already.

"Oh? Why should she stay here?"

Austin asked them with a cold look. Their unfriendliness didn't surprise him.

"Fuck! Don't drag your heels any longer and just leave! If you don't leave this instant, I'll send you to hell myself!" the shorter man spat at him impatiently.

The man summoned his vital energy inside from his body and now that he was at the premium stage of the Earth Realm, an invisible and overwhelming wave of strength vibrated through the air. The vibrations were starting to reach Austin and Violet.

"Well, it seems that you're bringing my anger on yourself. I won't show you any mercy." Austin said.

He decided to fight this bastard seriously.

His arrogant words left the four strangers dumbfounded. "What? How dare you talk to us like that?

You really want to die, don't you?"

The taller man shouted at him furiously after a few seconds of silence. He lifted his right hand, which was filled with his vital energy at medium stage of Earth Realm, and stretched it out towards Austin.

At that exact moment, Austin summoned his Spiritual Sense Flying Needle and ordered it to shoot at the man's head.

Austin's spiritual sense was strong enough to cover an area of one thousand meters and because of that, his Spiritual Sense Flying Needle was stronger than ever.

Although the man was at the medium stage of Earth Realm, his soul was very weak compared to Austin's. When he was hit by the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle, he was immediately overwhelmed by a sharp pain in the head.

Terrified by that attack, the man covered his head with both of his hands and quickly stepped backwards.

Before he could return to his companions, Austin employed the Wind-commanding Skill and approached him like a menacing phantom.

Austin gathered up his strength and swung at the man. His physical power was strong enough to lift an object of eight million pounds in weight. He released all of that power at the man's chest.

Even though he was a cultivator at medium stage of Earth Realm, the man's body was too weak to withstand Austin's fist. With the sounds of breaking bones, everyone saw that his chest sagged visibly.

Like a kite with a broken line, he flew several dozen meters away from where he originally stood. His body lost the shape of that of a human.

"What the hell!?"

His three companions gasped in astonishment. They could not believe what they just saw.

Austin just killed a cultivator at the medium stage of Earth Realm using only a single punch. His physical strength was almost as powerful as that of a monster beast in the level four or even five!

"Shit! What have you done! You will pay for that you punk!"

The other man roared. He was furious at the death of his companion.

He summoned up his vital energy and pushed out one hand. A burning fireball appeared out of the blue and then shot at Austin like a meteor.

A hissing sound could be heard when the fireball flew in the air towards Austin. The temperature in the area rose immediately when it appeared.

The man was at the premium stage of Earth Realm so Austin became more serious while facing his attack.

He took out the Violet Royal Sword from his Space Ring and wielded several dozen sword-lights at the fireball. When the Violet Royal Sword came in contact with the fireball, the fireball split from inside and broke into pieces.

However, the pieces didn't vanish into thin air like Austin thought they would. Instead, they gathered up very quickly and formed another fireball.

The restored fireball shot towards Austin with the same great momentum as before. It was as if it hadn't been destroyed in the first place.

While still in the middle of his fight, Austin observed the fireball and tried to connect it with the light ball inside his elixir field. Both of the two objects emitted a scorching heat when it made contact.

When he saw that the man was using his fireball as a weapon, Austin wondered whether the light ball in his elixir field could also be used as a weapon.

With those things in his mind, Austin decided to experiment.


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