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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3142

"Don't tell me that you don't know that this world is the graveyard of all the gods.

It's no secret here. Everyone in the Divine Being's World knows it unless you're not a native,"

the handsome man said mockingly.

"Gods' Hometown! Wait. I remembered hearing from King Andrew that outsiders call our world Gods' Hometown.

Perhaps he is an outsider!"

a man shouted in epiphany.

"What?! He is from the outside worlds!"

The other three men were shocked. Their composure suddenly changed as they glared at Austin with anger.

"No outsider is allowed to set foot in our territory.

Do you know what you have done? Let's get him!" one of the four men shouted.

He and his companions closed in on Austin, ready for bloodshed.

They wielded their glowing swords, and produced blood-red radiance.

Austin unleashed his spiritual sense and sensed that the four men were at the Golden Immortal Realm.

He also noticed the swords radiated a powerful blood-red light. With their swords equipped, Austin reckoned they were a match for the cultivator at the Earth Immortal Realm.

"I meant you no harm. But if you keep pushing me like this, then don't blame me for what's about to happen." Austin was fed up.

He unleashed the Divine Fist Skill, his fist enlarging and releasing an overwhelming amount of energy.

The Divine Fist Skill was one of the most powerful fist techniques in all of the worlds. It was the best skill in the old kingdom where Princess Gracie lived.

Combined with his sheer physical strength, Austin's attack was terrifyingly powerful.

Clung! Clung! Clung! Clung!

The four men were forced to step back as they could not withstand the force of his blow.

"Outsiders, we are from the flying dragon race. We will show you what we are capable of!"

the four men shouted angrily in chorus.

Thick golden fog began to rush from their bodies.

The four men suddenly disappeared as four giant golden snakes appeared from the thick fog.

The towering snakes emitted a blinding golden light as they released a tremendous amount of aura.

These were the true form of the four men.

Four long swords were suspended over the snakes' heads, which released a visible chaotic aura. Behind them, a blood-colored fog began encompassing the whole area.

'Flying dragon race? I've never heard about it. What is this race?'

Austin wondered curiously.

"What is happening over there? Who dares to disturb the gods? Reveal yourselves."

Just then, an army peered over the horizon and rushed directly towards Austin's direction.

Needless to say, the horde and the four golden snakes were allies.

"Stop resisting and surrender!" one of the snakes shouted at Austin.

While the horde was rushing over, the four snakes didn't waste a breath and they too dashed towards Austin at lightning fast speed.

Austin knew that he had to get rid of them before the army arrived.

He murmured something and pointed at the four snakes.

A thumb-sized white shackle flew out and instantly hung above their heads.

Immediately, the shackle released a magic power that enveloped the four snakes.

"What kind of evil enchantment did he perform?"

The snakes were dumbfounded with what Austin did to them. As if to answer their question, they all felt their powers suddenly decrease.

Austin hit the four golden snakes with a tremendous amount of force. Golden scales flew from their bodies as blood splashed the battlefield.

However, Austin was shocked to see that they were still alive. 'Even with the amount of force I exerted with that attack, they only lost a few scales.

Their bodies can withstand such a strong attack.

I guess the flying dragon race really is powerful, ' he thought.

Austin decided that fighting them would be too big of a risk. With a wave of his sleeve, he and his team ran away.


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