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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3147


The old Taoist priest moved forward floating gracefully in the air. With every inch of earth that he covered, the heaven and earth trembled.

His pace seemed to be neither fast nor slow, as if he was a bird suspended in the air. But in fact, he was moving with tremendous speed. Every step he took, the space and time transformed around him. The endless earth and mountains seemed to fly backwards in space.

As the old man headed west, the terrifying aura that had filled the whole world was just beginning to slowly fade away.

"Wow, this is so scary!"

Numerous creatures were in reality, secretly relieved.

"We hope that you reach the Shore of Rebirth early and enjoy yourself forever, sir!"

Suddenly, the eight supreme leaders of eight branches of pilgrims chimed in unison.

"May you reach the Shore of Rebirth early and enjoy yourself forever, sir!"

The majority of the other creatures also followed the eight supreme leaders and shouted their congratulations. The billowing sound waves of their voice swept across the sky.

"Activate all the altars and light the holy fire all over the world. All the members belonging to the eight branches of pilgrims will hold a praying ceremony together. We shall wish our divine god a successful rebirth together!"

The most powerful among the eight supreme leaders commanded with authority.

What he commanded to be arranged was an ancient ceremony that was performed to send a god to the Shore of Rebirth. This tradition had been passed down from one generation to the next for many millennia.

"Everyone, pay careful attention to this. We are absolutely certain that more than one god has woken up this time.

There must be other gods who will be waking up following the others.

During this auspicious time, everyone must abandon all the common affairs and pray for the gods wholeheartedly,"

another one of the eight supreme leaders reminded the creatures.

In the Divine Being's World, all living beings had a sacred duty, which was to serve as the tomb keeper, from the moment they were born!

In reality, this world was a huge graveyard for divine gods.

The divine mountains floating in the sky were actually tombs.

Therefore, the creatures in this world busied themselves for the tasks that lay in front of them.

The day of the reincarnation of the gods was very important. The ceremony to see them off to the Shore of Rebirth was a grand festival in the land.

The community held all kinds of praying ceremonies, singing and dancing together. In truth, they were not only praying for the gods, but also praying for themselves.

"Let's follow them and have a look!"

Looking at the old man's figure in the sky, Austin was curious and gestured for Prince Aldrich to join him in the investigation.

Then he moved his body and dived right into the ground.

After returning to the Earth, Austin had gotten the secret Earth Exploring Technique of the ancient times from the mountain god. Plus, he had read all kinds of ancient books about geography that had been passed down from the ancient times in the Brilliant Kingdom. His cultivation in the Earth Exploring Technique had taken a giant leap as a result.

Now, diving into the ground and exploring whatever underneath was just a piece of cake for Austin. With time, he'd learnt to enjoy it very much.

As soon as he entered the ground and released his spiritual sense, Austin immediately came to know everything about this land.

"Austin, are you going to track down that old man? He might be a real god!

Isn't it too dangerous to do so?"

Following Austin, Prince Aldrich had also dived into the ground. But he was still worried about the consequences of this action.

"Let's be careful. If we are, then it should be okay.

It is amazing that a dead god is on his way to a world called the Shore of Rebirth, to have a reincarnation.

There must be an astonishing secret behind this.

It might even shed some light to the truth of reincarnation of ordinary creatures in the world.

If I don't follow up and have a look, I'm afraid I'll regret for the rest of my life,"

said Austin. He felt that explaining his motivation would put his companion at ease.

"You're right, Austin. Reincarnation might just be the ultimate and most mysterious secret in the world.

It is a secret related to whether people really have the chance to reincarnate and revive themselves after their death. Life after death has eluded even the greatest philosophers.

Well, let's follow them and have a look then. Maybe we'll uncover something no one else has."

Prince Aldrich was persuaded by Austin's argument.

Austin waved his hand and caught the two transparent earth dragons at a distance away from him.

To others, these two earth dragons were completely invisible and almost impossible to spot.


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