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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3158

"Who's there?"

The young genius was furious. At the same time, he had a bad feeling in his heart. The premonition was so strong that he suddenly whirled around to check.

Those who were chatting with him were also curious and turned around to see what was going on.

"It's Austin!"

They were stunned when they saw him.

They had just been talking about the man and, somehow, had been unable to feel a thing when he had approached them from behind.

"Are you from the Divine Sect?"

Austin asked calmly, measuring the young man up and down.

This very same person had been shouting about how he wanted to kill Austin. In fact, he had gone so far as to say that he regretted not being able to kill Austin with his own hands.

But now that Austin was actually standing squarely in front of him, his heart skipped a beat and began to tremble with coldness.

He had witnessed Austin's performance on the Primordial Road and knew exactly how powerful he was.

"Yes, I'm a disciple of the Divine Sect.

My grandfather is one of the elders.

Austin, if you dare do something to me, or so much as think about that, my grandfather will never let you live!"

The young man pretended to remain calm as he uttered those words.

He had brought in a mention of his grandfather in the specific hope that it would drive some fear into Austin's heart. In reality, his grandfather was just an ordinary elder of the Divine Sect.

"You just said that you regret not being able to kill me with your own hands.

Now, you have a chance.

Come over here and kill me,"

Austin said flatly while walking towards the young man step by step.

To this moment, he had found no information about Violet, the Heavenly Majestic Pot, and all of his friends, nor had he found any traces of them. In fact, he didn't even know if he was on the right track. He was unsure of whether they were still alive or dead. Extreme worries were torturing him so much that he desperately wanted to find someone to vent his fury.

This young man was just the right person for the job. His arrogance had enraged Austin to the core!

"Austin, don't come near me!

If you dare touch me, my grandfather will avenge me and you will never find peace!"

the young man shouted in horror.

He had just been talking big words while everyone else was present but the truth was, he had not the guts to fight with Austin.

"The sect leader of your pathetic sect can do nothing to me, so forget about your grandfather.

It's time to fight."

A faint smile emerged on Austin's face. Then, without further ado, he leaped into the air like a shadow and was at the young man's throat as fast as a ghost.

His Omnipotent Lightness was a smart and powerful bodily movement skill. Over the past few days, he had been studying the Earth Exploring Technique carefully in the Abyss of Darkness. Therefore, his understanding of the laws of earth had reached an astonishing level.

This meant that whenever he used the Omnipotent Lightness now, he could also adopt the laws of earth unconsciously. This would add to the effects and powers of the former, which would allow the distance between two points underground or in space to be shortened at will.


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