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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3160

The Heaven Immortal Realm master from the Divine Sect was hovering above the clouds. His strong spiritual sense was emanated in all directions, trying to detect Austin.

Soon, the cultivators from different sects came one after another.

A large number of people gathered in that area to search for Austin.

"Man, have you found the whereabouts of that bastard Austin?"

The newly arrived cultivators eagerly asked the Heaven Immortal Realm master of the Divine Sect.

"He was just recently here where he killed many of my fellow Divine Sect members.

But before I could arrive here, he had already vanished without a trace,"

the master from the Divine Sect said with a gloomy face.

"Humph! I didn't expect Austin to be so good at hiding himself,"

a Heaven Immortal Realm master from another sect said.

"That's because the magic treasure of our sect, the Space Ship, fell into his hands.

Otherwise, how could he be so adept at hiding?"

a master from the Space Sect answered in contempt.

"I almost forget that the Space Ship is in his hand!

No wonder we can't find him even with our strength!"

The other masters were surprised to hear that.

"Austin you bastard, stop being a coward and come out of hiding!

If you truly are as powerful as you say, then why are you hiding from us? Show yourself!"

The Heaven Immortal Realm master from the Divine Sect couldn't cease his anger. He roared again in frustration, as the sound hit all every corner of the world.

"As you wish."

A faint voice appeared out of nowhere.

The masters were quick to activate their spiritual sense and followed the sound.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Austin stood on the head of an earth dragon and dove quickly underground.

At least fifty or sixty earth dragons followed Austin

Meanwhile, dozens of earth dragons galloped underground at the same time. The earth beneath shook violently with each of the dragons' movement.

This was equivalent to a large-scale movement of Earth Energy.

Above the ground, tens of thousands of miles of ground was fluctuating up and down as if a violent earthquake took place.

"What's happening?" In the Divine Being's World, countless creatures were terrorized by the violent earthquake.

"It seems to be Austin's trick!"

the Heaven Immortal Realm master from the Divine Sect said as he shook not from the earthquake, but from anger.

The next moment, loud howls were heard all around.

All the fifty or sixty earth dragons simultaneously jumped out of the ground and let out a huge roar.

Each earth dragon was as big as a mountain. They flew across the sky with extremely powerful momentum, causing the whole world to reverberate with their movement.

In an instant, hundreds of people from different sects were crushed into paste by the massive earth dragons.

Each earth dragon represented the vital energy essence of a certain land.

The power contained in one of them was already terrifying, never mind dozens attacking at the same time.


Show yourself so I can send you straight to hell!"

The scene in front of them infuriated all the masters.

How dare he kill hundreds of people in front so many masters at the Heaven Immortal Realm?

The masters weren't just angry because Austin killed their people. They were angry over the fact that they were left dumbfounded. Many people had already died before they knew what was happening!

They couldn't even move a muscle to save them.

Because of the sheer number of earth dragons present, the energy all of them contained was too terrifying!

"Dragon-trapping Skill! Let me summon another dozens of earth dragons!"

From a distance deep underground, Austin made some gestures with both hands quickly and activated a multitude of secret skills from the Earth Exploring Technique, such as the Dragon-trapping Skill, and the Dragon-taming Skill.


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