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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3163

At this point, the middle-aged man had disappeared into the Rebirth of Millstone hole and he was nothing but a bloody pulp.

After a while, a golden rune paper came down from the sky and floated above the millstone. It emitted dazzling lights.

Everyone present fixed their eyes on the magnificent rune paper floating in the air.

As they watched it, everyone had a hungry look in their eyes.

How could they not? This was the rebirth rune paper.

All the divine gods would get crazy over it, and would bend over backward to get their hands on this desirable item.

Although the rebirth rune paper was a priceless treasure for the divine gods, it was useless for ordinary cultivators.

However, if the cultivators could get it and give it to the divine god, they would be handsomely rewarded.

"Once the divine god gets this rune paper, he could get to the Shore of Rebirth? What kind of place is the Shore of Rebirth?"

Austin stared at the glowing golden rune paper with great curiosity.

"Get ready!" the eight supreme leaders simultaneously announced.

As soon as they gave orders, the troops of the eight branches surrounded the Millstone of Reincarnation. The soldiers drew out their weapons and looked at the outsiders alertly.

The eight branches of pilgrims were born to escort the divine god to the Shore of Rebirth.

From the moment they were born, they knew their mission and would spend the rest of their lives to carry it out.

"We must get this rebirth rune paper!"

The people from major sects couldn't contain their greed. They felt more and more excited, and their breathing hitched from anticipation. They were visibly overwhelmed out of sheer excitement.

The leader of each force had made a deal with a divine god.

If their members could get the rebirth rune paper or the divine core and give them to the divine god, they would get a handsome reward such as treasures of great value.

Moreover, the divine god would help them rule the world, and help their sects get a prosperous future.

The cultivators from various factions were thrilled at this mere thought—their leaders had made a pact with a divine god!

The atmosphere was so tense that a fight could break out at any moment.

"Come on!"

"This rebirth rune paper belongs to our sect. Anyone who dares to get in our way will be killed!"

"Get out of my way! The rebirth rune paper is ours!"

After a while, the place was filled with people threatening and claiming the rune for themselves.

All of them tried their best to rush towards the golden rune paper.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

An endless tide of energy swept towards the Millstone of Reincarnation.

The powerful forces unleashed all kinds of strong martial arts skills or used formidable magic treasures to attack the people of the eight branches of pilgrims.

"No one can stand in the way of our divine god reaching the Shore of Rebirth. You committed severe crimes, and you all deserve to die in our hands,"

the eight supreme leaders declared firmly.

Maximizing their full potential, they transformed and revealed their true selves.

King Tobian was a tall man dressed in white clothes. He looked majestic with a ring of light behind his head. His body emitted colorful lights, making him look sacred and mysterious.

King Andrew was a golden dragon without claws or horns. He gave off a powerful aura around him.

King Yates had obsidian skin and huge eyes. His teeth were sharp and menacing. Black mist enveloped him, and he held a trident in his hand.

Queen Sheila was an attractive woman with a voluptuous figure. Her purple dress cascaded in her porcelain skin, and it danced in the wind as she moved gracefully. She had a sweet fragrance emanating from her.

King Baron had an intimidating look in him. He had three heads and six arms, which made the evil energy around him even more pronounced.

King Edmund was a bird with a pair of golden wings. He was famous for his speed and power in the world.

King Lionel was a tall and sturdy man with long hair draped over his shoulders. He had a horn on his forehead, and pleasant music came from inside his body.

King Osborn was a massive python with a giant human head.

The eight supreme leaders had shown their real bodies. Each of them released an immense amount of energy.

At this point, they were ready to fight with their full strength.

Every single one of them had the strength of a master at the Heaven Immortal Realm. Only a handful of cultivators could be on par with them.

They could easily slay an ordinary master at the Heaven Immortal Realm in a heartbeat.

Together, the eight supreme leaders launched powerful attacks on their enemies. In one single blow, they managed to take out a large number of people.

Mangled body parts and broken bones flew in all directions as blood scattered everywhere. Cries of pain could be heard continuously.

All those who were at the front of the army got killed.

Even the masters at the Heaven Immortal Realm had to retreat after receiving fatal attacks from them.

"Damn it! These old guys are very powerful!"

Some masters at the Heaven Immortal Realm furrowed their eyebrows as they stared at the eight leaders.

"Take out the magic treasures that divine god gave us!" the leaders of the commanding forces ordered.

They couldn't let the eight supreme leaders single-handedly take down everyone.

Getting the orders, the masters at the Heaven Immortal Realm took out magic treasures that carried immense powers, and used them to attack their enemy.

They also threw yellow rune papers which released the divine god's power at the eight supreme leaders.

"Take out our ancestral weapons!" the eight supreme leaders summoned in unison.


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