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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3174

The master from the isolated alien space immediately felt that a formidable suppressing power had hit him. This made his vital energy realm fall in an instant.

"Humph! What the hell is going on with my cultivation base? " he exclaimed, shocked to the core.

He had never experienced this before.

Austin opened his mouth, and a flying sword came at the master from the isolated alien space, splitting him down the middle. Without a sound, his body collapsed lifelessly to the ground in two neatly sliced halves.

The sword was magic treasure at the divine level that Austin had acquired the other day.

Austin was able to refine it and now used it to practice the Flying Swordsmanship.

"Are you all right?"

Austin asked as he caught up with King Yates in a stride.

"Mr. Lin, it's you!

As you can see, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me! I owe you!"

King Yates replied, relieved and elated.

"Mr. Lin, I need you to do me another favor. Please help the six divine gods to reach the Shore of Rebirth!"

All of a sudden, King Yates knelt down on one knee towards Austin.

"Please help us, Mr. Lin. You are our only hope. We will never forget your kindness if you lend us a hand!"

the other seven supreme leaders said loudly as they also knelt down on one knee, facing Austin.

The eight supreme leaders could barely defend themselves and after so many encounters, they felt that they could not hold on any longer.

Austin's presence gave them a glimmer of hope. It was as if they were drowning in the middle of an unforgiving sea and had finally grabbed a hold on a piece of floating wooden board.

They all witnessed the last time when Austin helped a divine god get the rebirth rune paper back. This immensely impressed the eight supreme leaders.

Since then, they never forgot how remarkably powerful Austin was.

Because of this, the eight supreme leaders were quite confident that the young man might work wonders today if he agreed to help.

"Austin, people only live once. My advice to you is that you cherish your life!"

The masters at the Heaven Immortal Realm from the top forces scoffed at the scene in front of them. They threatened Austin one after the other.

"Hah! It's you again, human boy. Why do you always have to be around to ruin things! You'd better stay out of this!

This time, if you dare to get involved again, I will no longer spare you.

Brat, I think you are also a remarkably talented young man. How about we work together to get the rebirth rune paper and the divine core? With our powers combined, we are invincible! Think about it!

As long as you help me get a rebirth rune paper or a divine core, I will ask Lord Hackett to help you become a divine god in the near future. Now that's an offer that's hard to resist, isn't it?

What do you think?"

the commander of the troops from the isolated alien spaces yelled out his proposal as he studied Austin with interest.

In fact, he had actually been meaning to recruit Austin seeing the latter's strength, power and potential for greatness.

Hearing what the commander said, the rest of the crowd was shocked.

'Wow, he offered to help Austin become a divine god.

Such a promise is extremely tempting and difficult to refuse. It was the dream of every creature.

I bet, only a few cultivators in the world could refuse his offer.

To become a divine god was every cultivator's ultimate goal, ' they thought.

"Human boy, don't think that I am lying. Everyone knows that Lord Hackett is omnipotent and there is nothing that he cannot do.

It was widely known that the three thousand universes were created by Parker.

However, he did not completely do it on his own. Our Lord Hackett also took part in that endeavor.

Unfortunately, the gods of light tampered with history and lied to you about what our lord did. This accomplishment was as much Lord Hackett's as Parker's.

Lord Hackett is one of the divine gods who created the various worlds. If he agrees to make you a divine god, he will have no problem doing that.

Besides, you are obviously talented and very powerful. You have the potential to become a divine god and you certainly deserve it.

Rest assured. I will not fool you,"

the commander explained everything.

Listening to what he just said, the eight supreme leaders narrowed their eyebrows anxiously.

The commander's offer was extremely tempting.

They were worried that Austin would accept the offer, and that they would lose him if he did.

For a moment, the people from both parties fixed their eyes on Austin, waiting for him to make his decision.

Meanwhile, outside the Divine Being's World, the living divine gods situated in different universes were watching the scene quietly.

No one else knew that they had tuned in to witness such an event.

"I've done an investigation on this boy. He is Austin Lin and comes from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.


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