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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3178

In the blink of an eye, the six rainbows with six divine gods standing on them disappeared into the distance.

'Does the Shore of Rebirth really exist? Where on earth is it? Can the divine gods really come back to life and live happily once they reach the Shore of Rebirth?'

A million questions flooded Austin as he watched the six divine gods vanish into thin air.

In addition to him, many other creatures who were there were also lost in their thoughts.

'What is this world and why would all the divine gods go to great lengths to get there?' they wondered.

"Look, the Millstone of Reincarnation has stopped rotating!"

someone exclaimed abruptly and immediately caught the other cultivators' attention.

Everybody turned to look at the Millstone of Reincarnation.

It had indeed stopped spinning.

The massive millstone stood still, and exuded an ancient aura.

The Millstone of Reincarnation had stopped working, which meant that there would be no more divine gods that were set to go to the Shore of Rebirth.

It would take a long time before it began to rotate again. Thus, the divine gods would have to wait for many years to enter the Shore of Rebirth.

"Austin is the one to blame!

We could have gotten many rebirth rune papers and divine cores if he had not stood in our way," one of the creatures from the outside worlds whined as he stared at Austin with hatred.

The other people glared at Austin with resentment as well.

They were enraged with him.

The cultivators from the many universes all gazed at Austin defiantly.

"Wait! Those divine gods gave six divine cores to Austin."

"You are right. That selfish bastard has six divine cores!"

"Ha-ha! We still have a chance!"

Soon, many people remembered that Austin had six divine cores.

"Let's get out of here now!"

Austin said to the eight supreme leaders using his spiritual sense.


In fact, before Austin could send a message to them, the eight supreme leaders had already secretly ordered their men to ready themselves to leave the battlefield at any time.

Before the people from the outside worlds could react, Austin and the remaining eight branches of pilgrims began to run away at full speed.

With the use of the Omnipotent Lightness and the Distance-shortening Technique, Austin rushed as fast as a master at the Heaven Immortal Realm.

Moreover, with the help of the earth dragons, his speed was faster than that of the master at the Heaven Immortal Realm.

In an instant, Austin landed on a dark pit and immediately dived into it.

"Activate the teleportation altars! We need to come back immediately."

The eight supreme leaders sent messages back to their men in the bases.

There were ancient teleportation altars in the bases of the eight branches. Once the altars were activated, the pilgrims could be teleported back home as long as they were within the Divine Being's World.

As a result, many ancient teleportation altars were constantly activated. They appeared in the void, while the pilgrims and their eight supreme leaders, soared into the sky and stepped onto the active altars.

"Let's get Austin!"

All the members of the top sects and clans, together with the troops from the isolated alien spaces, chased after Austin.

However, they did not pursue the eight branches of pilgrims.

The masters at the Heaven Immortal Real from the powerful forces and the strong creatures from the isolated alien spaces all disappeared into the ground. They tracked down Austin and followed closely behind their target.

The commander of the troops from the isolated alien spaces was much faster than the others. In a moment, he was getting closer and closer to Austin.

"Human boy, give me the divine cores, or I will become your worst nightmare from now on!

I will hunt down everyone you care about and kill them all!

I will wipe out you entire species if you don't surrender now!"

the commander threatened Austin.

"Austin, Stop this instant!"

"Hand over your divine cores!"

Many masters of the Heaven Immortal Realm tried their best to move as fast as they could to catch up with Austin.


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