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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3192

King Yates remembered the first time that Austin had entered the Divine Being's World. Back then, he was being chased down by a large group of heaven immortals. He wasn't able to fend them off by himself, so he had to escape continuously to get away from them. There was a time that he even hid in the Abyss of Darkness.

But after just a short time, he didn't expect that Austin would come back several times stronger, and that he could now kill these heaven immortals as easily as cutting vegetables for dinner.

Such great progress was extremely impressive.

"These are all divine level magic treasures. I can't possibly let them go to waste!"

After Austin killed dozens of heaven immortals, the magic treasures had lost their owners. As a result, they began fleeing and rushed into the void, like intelligent creatures.

However, Austin didn't have the slightest intention of letting them go away. He instantly activated the Reincarnation Token and teleported himself. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with one of them and grabbed it in his hand.

Unexpectedly, the magic treasure, who was determined to escape, blasted terrifying energy towards Austin.

But Austin readily blocked the attack with his Reincarnation Token.

Then he immediately tightened his grip at the struggling magic treasure.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Being a proud magic treasure at the divine level, it wasn't ready to give up easily. It struggled again and let out more vicious attacks.

The magic treasure was surely powerful, but in the hands of Austin, it was just a mere toy. Soon, the Reincarnation Token released suppressing energy which completely shut off the menacing magic treasure.

Realizing that it could no longer escape, the magic treasure finally calmed down and laid silently in Austin's palm, as if accepting that he shall be its new master.

Austin felt relieved as he had successfully subdued the magic treasure.

He also observed that the Reincarnation Token was actually at a higher level than what he expected.

To be able to suppress magic treasures at the divine level was no easy feat.

The Reincarnation Token had proven to be pretty useful and omnipotent as it was capable of doing almost anything.

He had the right judgment of taking in this spectacular treasure which was previously owned by a genuine dragon. There was no doubt that it was exceptionally precious and powerful.

In fact, when Austin found it, the dragon had already died for so long. But it carefully safeguarded and kept the treasure on its side.

There was no wonder why the dragon had fully valued the Reincarnation Token.

After he was done subduing the first magic treasure that he caught, Austin activated the short distance teleportation function again to chase the other magic treasures. He didn't plan on letting even a single one escape from his hands.

Soon after, he had acquired more than a dozen magic treasures at the divine level.

And it only took him a couple of seconds with the help of the Reincarnation Token.


At the same time, after Austin had already killed the heaven immortals, the people from different sects were all horrified and panicking. Many of them tried to retreat quietly, but most of them just dispersed in various directions in hopes that they would get away from Austin's wrath.

"Where do you think you're going? Didn't I tell you that all of you shall die today?"

Austin was enraged as he saw them scramming as fast as they could. His murderous intent was almost tangible and spreading throughout the area.

"Bow down in terror in front of the one who will take your lives!"

Suddenly, more than seven hundred earth dragons emerged and roared angrily at the same time.

"Kill them!"

With a wave of Austin's hand, the earth dragons ferociously pounced on his enemies.

At the same time, under the control of Austin's mind, the shackle of supreme enlightenment descended as the will of the supreme enlightenment poured down and suppressed the movements of everyone within the vicinity.

Austin opened his mouth and a sword darted out like a swift mighty dragon. Wherever it passed, the warriors' heads were immediately cut off and rolled on the ground.

"Let's support Mr. Lin!"

Seeing that the table had been turned, King Yates hurriedly commanded his people to assist Austin in defeating the people from the various sects.

"Don't think that you can escape!"

Austin shouted as he targeted several warriors from the isolated alien spaces.

These cunning people easily caught Austin's attention. In the earlier battles, they just stood by and acted as spectators on purpose.

They planned to let Austin and the heaven immortals fight to the death and hoped to take advantage of the situation.

Now that their plan failed miserably, there was no way that they were getting out of Austin's sight.

"Go to hell, you rotten bastards!"

Austin furiously yelled as he caught one of them. He roared and punched him as hard as he could, instantly turning him into a measly puddle of bloody meat.

"Don't be so arrogant, you brat!" one of them managed to shout back.

Startled and angry, they took out a black rune paper and quickly ignited it. Immediately after, terrifying energy burst out and flew toward Austin to attack him.


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