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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3198

Although the divine gods were eager to grab Austin's Reincarnation Token, they couldn't do so.

Austin was in the Divine Being's World, but they could not even enter this world.

Even if they sent more masters at the Heaven Immortal Realm to the Divine Being's World, they thought it would be futile because of Austin's unbelievable strength and powers. They would just send their men to their graves.

The divine gods couldn't do anything but watch as Austin was in the Divine Being's World. Anger filled every fiber of their being as they felt powerless.

They were omnipotent divine gods.

But they couldn't even touch a young man.

"Damn it! Are we just going to stand him and do nothing while that brat acquires all the divine cores?" one of the divine gods shouted in a fit of rage.

The divine gods could do nothing but glare menacingly at Austin from outside the Divine Being's World.

Meanwhile, in the Divine Being's World, the battle had come to an end.

Every person from the top sects and clans of the outside worlds had been killed!

Dead bodies littered the battlefield. Both the ground and the sky was filled with corpses as blood flowed from the bodies in a steady stream.

The scene was truly horrible.

The eight supreme leaders took their men to Austin.

"Mr. Lin, if it weren't for you, we would have been killed.

Mr. Lin, we owe you our lives," the eight supreme leaders said gratefully as they cupped their hands at Austin to express their gratitude.

A moment ago, the eight branches of pilgrims were under siege, and almost lost the battle.

If Austin had not come to their rescue in time, the eight branches of pilgrim wouldn't have survived.

As if the deed he had done was not already enough, Austin chose to give them dozens of magic treasures made by the divine gods.

The eight supreme leaders were extremely grateful to Austin. They bowed to him to show their gratitude.

"I just did what I was supposed to do. Please stand up," Austin responded immediately.

He felt slightly uncomfortable with their overwhelming gratitude.

Behind him stood Raleigh and a horde of masters from the isolated alien spaces. They were now his slaves.

And behind Raleigh and the masters were the troops from the isolated alien spaces. There were tens of millions of them.

"Mr. Lin, what are you going to do with them?"

King Yates asked curiously as he looked at the people standing behind Austin.

"Don't worry, sir. They are on our side now," Austin replied with a smile.

He didn't felt the need to explain how he got to enslave them.

The Puppet Strings skill was one of his trump cards. The less people who knew about it, the better.

"Mr. Lin, you are indeed amazing!"

the eight supreme leaders praised sincerely.

"Mr. Lin, we have held a feast for you.

Please do us the honor of coming,"

King Tobian offered.

"All right."

Austin accepted his offer.

After a fierce battle, Austin hadn't realized how tired he was until he relaxed.

The grandest of banquets then began in the Divine Being's World.

The battlefield has been cleared of the corpses and debris.

A festive atmosphere filled the entire Divine Being's World. Some danced in celebration while some enjoyed the food and drinks.

The feast was not only held for Austin, but it also meant to celebrate the victory of the eight branches of pilgrim.

At the banquet, Austin let his companions out of the Slave Tower. These included Yulia, Marico, Toby, Perry, Hogan, the Snow-treading Old Man, the Heavenly Swordsman, the Moon Taoist and Bowen.

He had kept them in the Slave Tower for they were too weak to join the fight, and they couldn't defend themselves if they were faced with danger.

But now that the war was over, they could finally explore the Divine Being's World safely.

Since they were friends with Austin, the eight supreme leaders were nice to them. The eight supreme leaders even gave a toast to honor them.

After the banquet, Austin told the eight supreme leaders that he needed some time alone.

He had learned a lot during the course of the battle, so he needed time to digest things.

Austin chose the internal world of the Millstone of Reincarnation for his isolation.


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