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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3200

"Even if some masters from the outside world really are attacking us, we can fight them off.

There's nothing to worry. The Immortal End Alliance is very strong,"

Asa said loudly.

"He's right. We'll face whatever comes our way! No person or army can bully us,"

some other masters of the Immortal End Alliance also confidently chimed in.

Compared to other forces, the Immortal End Alliance's growth was unprecedented.

Their alliance boasted a large number of sect ancestor level masters. Each one of them was stronger than other cultivators of the same level in their universe.

Hence, none of the core members of the Immortal End Alliance felt fear for what was to come.

"Austin, why do you look so troubled?

Are those invaders terrifyingly powerful?

So much so that even you're no match for them?"

Kevin's concern was palpable as he looked Austin in the eye.

From all their adventures together, Kevin was confident that he knew Austin very well.

In his eyes, the Austin he knew feared nothing and would laugh in the face of death.

Compared to that daredevil, the Austin in front of Kevin was worried sick. Even if they hadn't realized it yet, this situation must be especially dire.

"What do you think of my avatar's strength?"

Austin asked after only a moment's hesitation.

"I suppose your avatar is more than capable of killing me with just a finger,"

the leader of the Sword Palace replied after he took a step forward.

It wasn't just lip service; it was a fact.

When Austin left the Fallen Immortal Cosmos, he was at the Genuine Immortal Realm.

Although a genuine immortal's avatar only had small part of his strength, the avatar could manage to kill a master at the sect ancestor level with just the twitch of his finger.


My avatar can kill you with just its breath."

Austin sighed and gazed up at them from beneath his lashes.

Just like his other avatars, this avatar could wield a quarter of his powers. Even if it was just a morsel of his power, blowing some vital energy would be more than enough to take care of a sect ancestor level master like the leader of the Sword Palace.


Gasps filled the hall as everyone gaped at Austin's words.

No one dared to doubt Austin's statement.

All of them had long passed the need to show off to each other, doubly so for Austin.

"That being said, any of the invaders can destroy my avatar with just a single breath as well.

No... I believe that they can eliminate me by releasing a portion of their power."

A bitter and helpless smile made Austin near unrecognizable.

Every word he said was filled with nothing but the truth.

Only a quarter of strength of a master at the Genuine Immortal Realm flowed through Austin's avatar.

It was far too weak to even stand a chance against a master at the Heaven Immortal Realm.

'You're joking!

How is that even possible? !'

Everyone's previous confidence was replaced by a cold fear at those words.

Each of them was dumbfounded and became as still as statues.

Everything Austin said was beyond their wildest imagination.

'Is it possible for beings that powerful to really exist in the world?' they wondered as one.

"Are you kidding us, Leader Austin?"

Someone finally managed to cautiously ask after a long moment of silence.

"I'm not making it up.

Catastrophe is inevitable in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos at this point.

The invaders we're about to meet are much more powerful than any we've ever faced before."

A serious expression made Austin's normally bright face seem dark.

At those words, everyone in the hall turned a ghostly pale shade.

'If they're that powerful, how are we going to fight them off?

We don't stand chance against them, ' they all helplessly thought.

"Austin, what did you do to offend such formidable masters?"

Kevin asked as the wry smile appeared on his face.

"No clue.

Ever since my real body left, the connection between us has been severed.

I just received the message from my master."

A slow shake of his head was Austin's reply.

Austin's master was no other than Peterson.

"Then, what are we going to do?"


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