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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3204

It had to be said that Austin had made a great haul this time.

The word 'haul' simply meant that he had made great progress in his swordsmanship.

He had managed to emit a sword strike with the power of eighty million sword moves combined.

In addition to that, he had acquired tens of thousands of divine god's treasures, which was an incredible fortune.

The next few days, he merely wandered around the stone pillars but did not make any more discoveries.

"Well, I have stayed in this world for quite some time now.

It's time to get out of this place,"

Austin murmured to himself.

He activated the Reincarnation Token, and returned to the Divine Being's World in the mere blink of an eye.

At that point, the eight supreme leaders were pacing back and forth anxiously at the headquarters of the eight branches of pilgrims.

"Have you managed to find Mr. Lin?" the eight supreme leaders asked their subordinates in an agitated tone.

But the answer was, unfortunately, negative.

All the eight branches had been looking for Austin day and night during the last several days.

The eight supreme leaders had even ordered all the creatures in the Divine Being's World to search for him.

"Where on earth could Mr. Lin go?

We have looked in almost every conceivable place in the Divine Being's World.

We even went into the Abyss of Darkness several times, but we are yet to find any sign of him."

"Numerous formidable enemies are attacking his homeland, the Fallen Immortal Cosmos. If he fails to get there in time, that entire cosmos would turn into ruins.

If we can't find him and fill him in on this, we are going to regret it for the rest of our lives!"

"Alas! If Mr. Lin doesn't come back, his homeland is doomed."

The eight supreme leaders were restless at the very thought of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos being under attack.

"Master, where on earth are you now?" Yulia murmured worriedly.

Yulia, Marico, Toby, Perry, Hogan, the Snow-treading Old Man, the Heavenly Swordsman, the Moon Taoist, and Bowen were very anxious. They were hoping against all hope that Austin would appear as soon as possible. However, they had no idea when he would.

Austin had not told anyone that he had entered the internal world of the Millstone of Reincarnation.

As a result, no one knew where he was.

During his absence, a mysterious master called Morphy from the outside world sent a message a few days ago to the eight supreme leaders.

The message told them that the Fallen Immortal Cosmos was under attack and Austin needed to get there immediately.

Hearing that Austin's hometown was in trouble, the eight supreme leaders didn't have the heart or the courage to ignore this call. They immediately sent all their men to track down Austin.

But they were yet to find any trace of the man.

Just then, a figure popped up near the Millstone of Reincarnation.

It was none other than Austin.

Far from him, hordes of people were in search of him.

People could be seen everywhere in the Divine Being's World looking for the man.

"Wait! It looks like Mr. Lin is over there!" someone exclaimed.

Not long after Austin showed up, a young man spotted him in the distance and shouted.

"Report to the leaders that we found someone who looks like Mr. Lin,"

someone else shouted.

Immediately, a message was sent back to the headquarters of the eight branches of pilgrims.

When they heard the news, the eight supreme leaders got excited and immediately made their way towards the Millstone of Reincarnation hurriedly. Within a few seconds, they had all reached their destination.

"Mr. Lin.

There you are.

We've been looking for you for a long time now!"

the eight supreme leaders shouted in unison as they rushed towards Austin.

"What are you doing here? Did something happen?" Austin asked the eight supreme leaders in surprise.

Seeing that the leaders themselves were here for him, he already had a hunch that something was wrong.

"Let me tell you," King Tobian said as he took a step forward.


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