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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3210

"I wonder where Tin is right now,"

Evan whispered abruptly.

Although his voice was low, everyone around him could hear him clearly.

Caroline, Ivy, and Sue trembled slightly.

Not long ago, the three of them had all reached the sect ancestor level.

Since Caroline had mastered the secret skills from her ancestor, she had made rapid progress in her cultivation.

Ivy and Sue had the Crystal Buddha Body, and had been learning brilliant Buddhist omnipotent skills. As a result, they too had made headway in their cultivation.

All of them were now at the sect ancestor level.

Since the three of them were Austin's wives, the news about their reaching the sect ancestor level spread like wildfire in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

Everyone on the Fallen Immortal Cosmos had known about the three women.

People often talked about Austin and his wives. In their eyes, Austin was the most powerful being in the cosmos.

His wives were all strong, beautiful, and talented cultivators. Many men were envious of him.

Although Caroline, Ivy, and Sue were fierce cultivators at the sect ancestor level, they still had a soft spot for Austin.

As soon as Evan mentioned Austin's name, the three women's hearts grew heavier.

"Caroline, Ivy, I miss him," Sue said softly.

She was referring to Austin.

Caroline and Ivy looked dejected. "We miss Austin too," they said.

"Evan, why are you even bringing up Austin?"

Herbert asked Evan.

He then drew closer to Evan and whispered, "This is not the best time to mention his name. You don't want Caroline, Ivy, and Sue to be upset."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you,"

Evan apologized to the three women as he immediately realized how insensitive he was.

"Evan, you... you're really an idiot,"

Herbert said as he rolled his eyes at Evan.

"It's okay,"

Caroline responded calmly.

"By the time our enemies break in here, we must be ready to fight them bravely. We can't embarrass Austin," Caroline said as she turned to look at Ivy and Sue.

She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth.

"We will!"

Ivy and Sue nodded with determined looks on their faces.

"You're right. We must exterminate our enemies at all costs," Ivy said. "Yes! We can't yield to them," Sue said sternly.

Stacy, Belle, Peacock Princess, Isis, Michelle, and Tessa stood around them.

Upon hearing what they said, they drew closer to the three women.

These young people were among the most exceptional cultivators in their generation in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

All of them were friends with Austin.

Because of Austin, the entire Fallen Immortal Cosmos supported their cultivation.

The Immortal End Alliance invested in them greatly. They provided these young cultivators with the best cultivation resources and gave them whatever they needed to become strong cultivators.

Therefore, almost all of Austin's friends were now at the Immortal Realm, the Immortal King Realm, or the Immortal Saint Realm.

"Yes. We can't humiliate Tin.

Once they storm in here, I will be the first one to face them!"

Evan shouted with pride.

"Herbert, Bray, let's work together to kill those invaders,"

Evan proposed in high spirits as he looked at Herbert and Bray.

"Let's do this!"

Herbert and Bray nodded firmly. Then, they looked at the main entrance of the Celestial Palace with eagerness.

"Whoa. I can't believe you are so fearless this time, Herbert.

That's amazing to see,"

Evan exclaimed in surprise.

"What are you talking about, Evan? I have always been a wise and brave man. I am not afraid to die,"

Herbert retorted.


These young men are indeed intrepid cultivators."


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