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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3214

Austin had killed all the heaven immortals near the Celestial Palace.

The balance of power in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos was tipped once again.

With a wave of his hand, Austin collected all the divine level magic treasures from the defeated heaven immortals.

Although he already had about five thousand divine level magic treasures in his arsenal, they were far from enough. He needed to acquire as many high-grade weapons as possible.

"I'm sorry but I have to leave you the cleaning of this mess. I still have some unfinished business,"

Austin pleaded to Peterson and Hare. Without wasting any time, he took a step forward and disappeared in an instant.

In fact, the heaven immortals who had invaded the Fallen Immortal Cosmos had split into two groups.

The first group was the one that Austin had recently brought down, and the other one was kind of scattered. They were the ones who were wreaking havoc in various worlds in the entire Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

It was clear in Austin's mind that for everything to go back to the way it was before, he should also vanquish the remaining heaven immortals that brought chaos in the cosmos.

With his massive spiritual sense, he located every single heaven immortal lurking around.

He then activated the Reincarnation Token and teleported himself directly to each of their locations.

In the meantime, those heaven immortals were so complacent, doing whatever they wanted without even an inkling of the impending danger.

They ruled every world that pleased their eyes.

They controlled every creature and turned them into their slaves.

All the wealth and treasures that they could swindle fell inside their deep pockets.

They turned the Fallen Immortal Cosmos upside down and did whatever they could to obtain what they wanted.

However, their happy days were nearing their end.

Their worst nightmare had begun to hunt them one by one. They could run, but they wouldn't be able to hide from Austin.

With the help of the Reincarnation Token, he continuously teleported himself to every nook and cranny of the cosmos and took the head of every heaven immortal he encountered.

There was no escaping with the might of the Reincarnation Token, which teleported him anywhere, and the shackle of supreme enlightenment, which fully suppressed every movement of his enemies.

One by one, the heaven immortals all around the cosmos disappeared.

It took a little longer than expected to obliterate all the remaining heaven immortals in the cosmos because they were scattered in various worlds.

With Austin's current strength, he could just crush them all to dust in one blow if they were all together in a single place.

Nonetheless, at the end of the day, Austin finished his business. All the creatures that were turned into slaves were freed.

He took back and gathered all the treasures that were taken away by the fallen heaven immortals.

Then, he distributed them accordingly to each of the worlds in the cosmos.

Those worlds that accumulated serious damage were able to receive more.

Everyone was so happy because they were able to acquire some of the treasures of the heaven immortals, which were considered to be extremely valuable.

Some worlds even obtained more wealth than what they had lost.

But more importantly, their freedom was restored. Their oppressors were no more.

Peace could be expected again now that the worlds were liberated.

Finally, the status of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos was reinstated.

The despair that had haunted every creature before gradually dissipated.

"This catastrophe is over.

Go back to your own worlds and help each other to rebuild them.

If you need any support, go straight to the Immortal End Alliance and I'll make sure that they will be able to help you,"

Austin addressed every creature, and his inspiring voice instantly spread all over the cosmos.

"It's Leader Austin! Our savior!"

"He redeemed our universe once again!"

"We should serve him as the god of our universe!"

Everyone was celebrating and praising Austin throughout the universe.

The mortals even began to build temples and statues for Austin. They burnt incense and gave thanks to him.

In this way, Austin had become the unique spiritual leader in the cosmos.

Every world publicly declared their submission to Austin's authority.

Austin walked slowly in the universe, listening to the praises uttered in his name. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of contentment.

The Fallen Immortal Cosmos had already gone through two successive tribulations.

That was why every world and every creature thought that they needed a spiritual leader.

And without a shred of doubt, Austin was the most suitable one.

He actually had no choice but to accept the feelings of the people.

Eventually, he returned to the Celestial Palace.

As he arrived, the ruined palace welcomed him.


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