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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3221

A few moments later, Austin found himself in a very deserted place.

He noticed that he was standing on a small piece of broken land.

This broken piece of land was floating through the void. The view surrounding him was extremely strange, no matter which direction he looked in.

He looked around curiously.

Huge meteorites were speeding around him.

Streams of colorful marsh gas floated hither and thither like lovely silk ribbons.

Horrifying space hurricanes swept over the space from time to time.

Pieces of ancient dead wood also floated lazily, as if they were in no hurry to reach their destination.

There were countless skeletons, fractions of corpses, flesh, blood, broken magic treasures and weapons scattered in the air like garbage.

Some corpses, even after the passage of many years, were still shining. They emitted a terrible wave of energy.

In addition, there were some strange vines that Austin had never seen before. They crawled through the entire space and wrapped around things randomly. Some of the plant branches were even wrapped into balls.

It was a complete ruin, without a single sign of life remaining.

But Austin was also overcome by another feeling. He could sense that there was imminent danger lurking behind this grim setup.

He was sure that there was something utterly horrible lurking in the void and it would jump out to devour people at any time!

The four divine gods then appeared beside Austin.

"Sirs, what do you make of this place?"

Austin asked his companions.

"It is a broken battlefield left behind by the ancient war.

Back then, it was also a very prosperous universe which was home to billions of living creatures.

However, a divine battle destroyed this universe and disintegrated it into pieces. That's why it ended up like this,"

Morphy replied, solemnly.

"The battlefield of the ancient divine battle!"

Austin was taken aback.

"Was it the war between gods of light and the gods of darkness?"

Austin asked.

Under Karakoram Mountains on the Earth, Austin had learnt something about the gods of light and gods of darkness.

"So, you know about this?"

Hearing Austin's words, the four divine gods were all surprised.

The fight between the gods of light and gods of darkness was many millennia ago, in the ancient times.

A few eras had passed since then and that terrifying divine battle had been wiped away from the collective memory of all creatures.

Now, in the three thousand big and small universes, there were probably only a handful of creatures that knew about the divine battle.

"That's right!

It was by chance that I heard of the ancient divine battle.

I also know about the evil baby and divine baby,"

Austin added.

"You are really something else!"

Morphy and the three other divine gods wore expressions of appreciation on their faces.

"Yes, that battle was terrifying. Thinking about it still makes my skin crawl.

The three thousand big and small universes were almost completely destroyed because of it!

Fortunately, in the end, Parker used his supreme power to injure Elliot and Hackett. The gods of darkness then fled into the Sea of Chaos together.

That was when the battle finally came to an end,"

Morphy sighed. He never was able to shake off a lingering fear whenever he recalled the horrifying battle.

"Sir, why didn't the gods show up after the battle in the ancient times?

Now all of a sudden, so many gods have appeared and it has messed up many worlds,"

Austin asked. He was curious to understand what had suddenly changed.

It was known to all that in the three thousand big and small universes, there had been several eras without the presence of any divine god.

The creatures of the three thousand big and small universes all wondered if there was any divine god left at all.

But recently, a large number of divine gods had started appearing everywhere.

"Austin, the four of us were ambushed and seriously injured just now.

Well, give us a moment to heal ourselves, and then we can talk about these things with you."


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