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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3233

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Rowan. Please accept my apologies for not welcoming you at the gate!"

Another group of high-level figures and personalities from the Mulberry Continent came out in no time, bowing towards Rowan, offering their salutations like dogs trying their best to curry favor from their masters.

They treated him in the best way that their resources could manage.

It was such as huge gesture that it could make any outsider embarrassed.

Soon, almost all the people holding fame and prestige in this continent showed up, bowing and nodding at Rowan, to the extent of almost kissing the ground on which he stood.

On the other side, all the living creature on the street all fell silent, and one could almost hear a pin drop.

Each of them held their breaths and dared not to make a sound.

They would rather die than to stir up any kind of trouble.

One could tell from their behavior, what position this man held in this continent.

At the same time, almost everyone looked at Austin with gloating eyes, mixed with sympathy, contempt, ridicule, disgust, and all other kinds of resentment.

"He was too stupid to provoke Mr. Rowan. He has no idea who he has offended! Oh, he'd be lucky if any god would pity and bless him!

I don't think there's anyone who can save his life in this cosmos now!" one of them murmured.

"I suppose that he deserves all of it. Look at him! He's just standing and looking on as if he did nothing wrong. Who the hell does he think he is? He must have lost his mind! Poor guy! Why didn't he kneel down and ask for mercy?

Well, he doesn't deserve any sympathy! What's coming to him, he brought to himself!" another echoed.

"Bah! How noble Rowan is! No one will provoke him and walk away without being punished!"

Outsiders continued whispering toward each other, taking pleasure in Austin's misfortune, craning their necks to see what would happen to him.

However, even from the very beginning, the person concerned didn't show any signs on his face that he was affected at all. If one looked closely, there was even a sneer on the corner of his mouth as well as an occasional eye roll.

'Damn it! I never expected to be despised by such a large a group of ants in my whole life!'

The sneer on his face was actually for himself.

Meantime, Rowan enjoyed the awe in the eyes of the people surrounding him, and in the moment, he didn't miss any of the comments they made.

He raised his chin even higher.

It was clear that he enjoyed every bit of praise, flattery and the way people treated him.

In truth, his talent for martial arts was nothing worth mentioning.

The reason why people looked up at him was because he was the grandson of a well-known and highly respected master of the Divine Realm.

That was enough for him to ride the high horse everywhere in this cosmos.

Actually, it worked not only in this cosmos, but also in every single world and cosmos. He got along well with everyone, everywhere he would go.

But now, a reckless golden immortal had provoked him! This was absolutely unforgiveable.

That guy must be a nut to have done so.

A dozen of his men who were standing next to him took advantage of the limelight, even from the sidelines. They puffed out their chests, feeling proud and superior to others.

"Now, do you know who I am?" Rowan suddenly asked in a playful tone.

He cast a glance at Austin from the side of his eyes condescendingly.

"What's your name? Which sect do you come from? What's your old man's name?

Inform your elders immediately to come over to see me!

If they do not, I will have no choice but to exterminate everyone in your family! The whole cosmos knows by now that there is a price to pay for offending me.

Also, this continent won't tolerate the existence of any trash like you. As for your sect or clan, there is no need for it to exist either! Did you understand any of that, simple boy?"

the leader of Mulberry Continent spit word by word, gnashing his teeth a few inches from Austin's face, and his eyes boring into Austin's, sharp as a knife.

"Brat, do you regret it now?" one of Rowan's henchmen asked arrogantly.

"Are you so scared that it makes you want to pee? Ha-ha, come on! Just let it go. Don't hold it in! It's okay to wet yourself. Your just a good for nothing gutter rat anyway." another shouted.

"Not only pee, I think this rubbish is even so scared that he's going to shit in his pants!"

All of Rowan's men laughed wildly as if Austin was the most ridiculous joke they ever heard.

"What are you three doing there? Come here and throw yourself into Mr. Rowan's arms.

Do you three want to die along with this rubbish?" a henchman shouted.

"Damn it! Why are you still standing there? Come on, drag those three women over!" another ordered.

The two of them swaggered towards Caroline, Ivy and Sue, trying to grab them by the arms and pull them away.

"Keep away from my women! You two don't even deserve to breathe the same air as them!"

After those words, Austin suddenly slapped them, flashing a mild smirk on his face.

With a couple of crisp crackles, the two men exploded on the spot, puffing into two blood mists that floated away with the wind!

It was so fast that none of them saw what happened.

They just looked at the bloody air with their mouths agape.

They were too shocked that their brains stopped functioning.


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