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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3240

"This is surely the real path towards reincarnation! Those souls have already been reborn."

The eight kings were in awe.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Austin took a deep breath to hide his shock before he asked the eight supreme leaders.

"This is an ancient legend that has been passed down from the ancestors of the eight branches of pilgrims.

Truth be told, it's a secret. Only a select few high-level figures of the eight branches have the right to know the story.

But since you asked, I'll tell you."

King Tobian started.

"Mr. Lin, have you heard of the legends about the six paths of reincarnation?"

King Tobian asked.

"Of course I have,"

Austin replied.

Austin heard of stories about reincarnation on Earth before.

"As I said before, this story has been passed down for the ancestors of the eight branches of pilgrims.

Although most regard it as mere tale, we know that these legend is true.

According to the legend, the six paths of reincarnation are in six different worlds, which are aptly named the Six Worlds of Reincarnation.

In each world, there is a Millstone of Reincarnation. Every creature seeking rebirth should go through the Six Worlds of Reincarnation before being reincarnated.

For the longest time, every living being in all universes experiences the cycle of death and rebirth.

The Six Worlds of Reincarnation are what maintained this cycle.

Our Divine Being's World is one of the six worlds.

But for reasons we do not know, the Millstone of Reincarnation and the paths towards reincarnation suddenly disappeared.

From then on, the Six Worlds of Reincarnation gradually declined and regressed into six ordinary worlds.

The eight branches of pilgrims were one of the most powerful races in all the universe back then.

We were the guards of the Divine Being's World!"

King Tobian said to Austin.

"Are these legends true or not?"

Austin couldn't believe what he was told.

"In the past, we didn't know whether it was true or not.

But now, we have proof that the legend is true, because the six Millstones of Reincarnation and the reincarnation roads have already appeared in front of us.

Look, the souls that are constantly falling from the top of the Millstone of Reincarnation are the creatures from every world of the different cosmos. After they die, their souls will eventually gather in one of the Six Worlds of Reincarnation in order to be reborn again,"

King Tobian said, pointing at the millstone in the sky of the Divine Being's World.

"It seems that the legend is indeed true."

Austin was finally convinced.

"Mr. Lin, once the millstones and the paths of reincarnation reappear, the six worlds would go back to their once prestigious state.

In short, the cosmos we're in will develop into a supreme one!"

King Tobian exclaimed.

"The strength of the creatures in the Six Worlds of Reincarnation will also increase rapidly!

Our eight branches of pilgrims will usher in a golden period!"

King Tobian said excitedly

"A supreme one!"

Austin was shocked.

The universe grade consisted of low, middle, high, and supreme grades.

The supreme universes were home to the most powerful beings including divine beasts, powerful races, and divine gods.

In the supreme universe, almost every living being could become a divine god!


Austin greeted them sincerely.

Once the Six Worlds of Reincarnation became six supreme worlds, the eight supreme leaders would certainly become divine gods!


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