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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3243

"We're finally at the Celestial Cyan Kingdom!"

Joyful shouts came from Peterson, Hare, and Austin within the airship.

"That high-grade universe should be the Celestial Cyan Kingdom, right? Let's directly land there."

In response to his order, Peterson controlled the airship and flew over the kingdom.

A moment later, a huge platform appeared inside the chaotic void.

Powerful teleportation energy burst out from the tall door on the platform from time to time.

"That should be the Celestial Cyan Kingdom's entrance.

I'll land the airship on the platform and then we can enter together.

However, not only is the Celestial Cyan Kingdom a high-grade universe, but a chaotic ancient kingdom as well. It won't be a walk in the park to get in.

Let's play it by ear for now,"

said Peterson.

Since he was a divine god's avatar, he had many memories and experiences from roaming through the Sea of Chaos.

Once the airship was safely put away, the three of them descended on the platform together.

Everywhere they looked, the platform extended far and wide like a small continent.

They saw a dense crowd the moment they landed.

Over ten divine gods stood as sentry on both sides of the tall door.

Creatures all lined up in an orderly queue and slowly inched forward to accept the assessment of the divine gods.

Some of them were allowed to enter the Celestial Cyan Kingdom, while some were refused and quickly driven away.

It seemed like the assessment was very strict.

"What?! What the hell's going on?!

Generally speaking, as long as creatures from other universes pay certain fees, they'll be allowed to enter a high-grade universe and stay for a period of time.

Never before have we heard of any sort of qualification assessment.

But the assessment before our eyes is somehow incredibly strict.

How strange."

Confusion was clear on Peterson's and Hare's faces.

Many high-grade universes were familiar with their presence and so they were very familiar with the rules.

"I'll ask around about this."

Peterson nodded at them and dove into the throng of people alone.

"Peterson's experienced and worldly-wise.

Even I can't compare with him in that respect."

A wry smile softened Hare's features as he grabbed Austin to quietly wait by the corner.

It wasn't long before the crowd parted before them.

"Big news!"

Peterson's shocked expression worsened by the second as he pushed through the crowd.


Hare and Austin looked at Peterson in confusion.

"A prehistoric relic appeared in the Sea of Chaos."

Peterson's voice was nearly breathless in excitement.

"A prehistoric relic?"

Hare's eyes lit up brightly with excitement.

"Several divine gods already went to explore the prehistoric relic.

They found a chaotic world tree in there."

Peterson added much to their shock.

"What?! A chaotic world tree?! How's that even possible?

Only three chaotic world trees are said to exist within the entire Sea of Chaos. One of them has actually appeared?


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