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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3251

Inside a deep forest in a remote border area of Celestial Cyan Kingdom, Peterson, Hare, and Austin temporarily hid in a small thatched cottage.

It wasn't just any other cottage. Several eras ago, when Peterson went to the Celestial Cyan Kingdom to heal his wounds, he had stayed in there and had set up a large number of brilliant hiding arrays.

Therefore, getting caught would be the least of their worries for now.

"Master, can I ask? What's your cultivation base before that legendary war?"

Austin asked curiously.

"Eons ago, Peterson was one of the most famous divine gods in the three thousand big and small universes, and that guy got the strength of a medium-grade divine god.

Back then, when I met him in person, I had to conduct with extreme caution,"

that old man Hare said before Peterson could answer.

"A medium-grade divine god! That's awesome, master!"

Austin praised.

As far as he knew, Teague was only a preliminary-grade divine god. However, he had got a crucial influence on the whole Celestial Cyan Kingdom.

A medium-grade divine god must be much more influential.

"In fact, before that terrible war, our three thousand small and big universes were a very powerful group of universes.

There were six high-grade universes in total!

Aside from that, we had four premium-grade divine gods!

The Celestial Cyan Kingdom, on the other hand, only had two premium-grade divine gods.

Therefore, back then, our universes were even stronger than the Celestial Cyan Kingdom.

When the terrible war took place, however, everything changed."

Peterson sighed, looking wistful.

"There were four premium-grade divine gods in our universes? Really?

Who were they?" Austin asked, amazed that there was such powerful beings in their universes.

Of course, when it came to the secrets of the three thousand big and small universes, he would be interested.

"The four of them were Parker, Alethea, Hackett, and Elliot. They were the premium-grade divine gods. During the ancient times, they ruled the three thousand big and small universes,"

the old man Hare explained.

"It was the four of them, as I expected."

Austin nodded.

"Then what kind of cultivation base did Master Morphy have?"

he asked more.

"His strength was slightly stronger than mine. He is a medium-grade divine god of the perfect achievement stage.

Morphy is the most mysterious master in our universes, however.

Legends say that he wasn't born from any of our universes, but was from the depths of the Sea of Chaos.

On top of that, there were even more surprising rumors circulating about him.

They said that the physical body he used was merely an avatar!

His real body had always been in the depths of the Sea of Chaos all this time,"

Peterson informed Austin of the hearsays.

"An avatar possessing the strength of a medium-grade divine god? That was amazing!

Then how about the strength of his real body? No one knew?

It might be a puzzle forever!"

Amazed, Austin couldn't help but get excited with this theory.


You know what? During that time, the four premium-grade divine gods also showed great respect to Morphy. They would never offend him unless they had no other choices,"

Hare added.

"There was another divine god who was just as mysterious during that time.

This mystifying character was the Divine Swordsman!"

Hare recalled, his face etched in utter surprise.

"The Divine Swordsman? Are you serious?"

Something struck Austin's mind like a dagger and he suddenly came up with a possibility.

"This Divine Swordsman was a divine god born in our universes.

Speaking of which, the both of you were closely connected in a way.

People said that he also came from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

I was already suspicious at that time. I have to admit that he raised to fame way too quickly.

It felt like he just showed up out of nowhere.


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