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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3258

A black figure whined as it gave off a freezing cold aura which sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Using his spiritual sense, Austin found that it was a creature the size of a dog. Its menacing eyes greedily stared at the spiritual soul in his Soul Sea.

"Master, that's a dark spiritual demon. Just hearing its name is enough to make my hair curl in fear.

Use the spiritual tree and the spiritual dragon to kill it now, please!

Don't let it get too close to your spiritual soul if you want to stay alive!"

Raleigh pleaded to Austin. His voice trembled in fear as he gave out the warning.

Every member of the spiritual race would stare in horror if they were forced to watch how the dark spiritual demon feasted on the spiritual souls, for the dark spiritual demons were their natural enemies as they took the spiritual race as food. All of them were born and raised to fear the demons, so the encounter frightened them even more.

In other words, the demons were their kryptonite.

Whoop! Whoop!

The dark spiritual demon looked at Austin's spiritual soul with greed. In an instant, it transformed into a beam of black light and rushed over at an astonishing speed.

The demon lusted over Austin's spiritual soul and would stop at nothing until it devoured it.

"Don't be so cocky!"

Austin's spiritual soul roared in defiance. He summoned the spiritual tree and the spiritual dragon, ready to meet the rushing demon.

The spiritual dragon let out a deafening roar

as it waved its powerful claws to fiercely fight its foe.

"The dark spiritual demon is really powerful!"

Austin was caught off guard.

In almost every category, the dark spiritual demon was just as powerful as the spiritual dragon!

The dog-sized demon easily held its own against the rampaging mountain-sized dragon!

After Austin had overcome his shock, he made the spiritual tree shake violently. A flurry of roots and branches attacked the dark spiritual demon from above.

The combined attack of the spiritual tree and the spiritual dragon was too much for the demon to handle. It was defeated shortly after.

The spiritual tree wrapped itself around its defeated foe and absorbed it.

"The dark spiritual demon contains a tremendous amount of spiritual energy!

Luckily, only one attacked me. If a couple more appeared, I would've been dead for sure."

Austin sighed heavily.

He then kept putting the dark spiritual demons into his Soul Sea one after another, suppressing, refining and absorbing them!

As a result, his spiritual sense grew leaps and bounds stronger in such a short amount of time!

The demon's body also contained all kinds of orders, laws, and wills regarding the spiritual soul.

Both the spiritual soul energy and spiritual sense were one of the various forms of energy found in the universe.

The spiritual soul energy was equivalent to the vital energy.

On the other hand, the power of the spiritual sense was tantamount to the power of the vital energy, also known as the vital energy force.

All the cultivators in the world, including the gods, would have seen an increase in their spiritual sense if their vital energy level grew stronger.

Only a few beings specialized in cultivating the spiritual sense, because it was too difficult for most.

Besides, the time spent on trying to improve one's spiritual sense would be better used on cultivating vital energy.

Once a cultivator's vital energy reached a higher level, the spiritual sense would also increase along with it. Why waste time training the latter if it would naturally improve together with the vital energy?

This was the reason why only a few cultivators specialized in training the spiritual sense.

Consequently, not many people knew much about the order and laws of the spiritual soul energy.

But after Austin absorbed and refined the dark spiritual demon, he didn't need to study about spiritual soul energy anymore. All kinds of orders, laws, and wills about the spiritual soul energy constantly appeared in his Soul Sea.

"The dark spiritual demon is indeed a worthy foe of the spiritual race. Its achievements in the spiritual soul energy dwarfed that of the spiritual race!"

Austin was pleasantly surprised. He focused on understanding his new found knowledge and power. His understanding of the spiritual souls, spiritual soul energy and spiritual sense only improved with every passing minute.

Meanwhile, the airship continued to advance through the World of Darkness.

Inside the ship, a constant sound of whining filled the air.

It seemed as if whatever was making the sound was increasing in number as it slowly became louder and louder. Not a moment later, the whining became deafening as the noise flooded the whole ship.

Apparently, many dark spiritual demons were invading the airship!

The demons were like a pack of hungry wolves who had just found a group of grazing sheep. Their mouths watered as their eyes were filled with the desire to eat their prey.

Fortunately, the Celestial Cyan Kingdom had prepared for this scenario. As long as those young talents activated their jade identity badges, they could activate the preinstalled restriction arrays to prevent the dark spiritual demons from invading their Soul Seas.

"Just hold on, guys. In two or three days, we will finally exit the World of Darkness.

As for the dark demonic sound, as long as you can keep a steady mind and use your identity jade badge well, you can deal with it,"

a god comforted the passengers of the airship.

The mood in the entire airship relaxed after hearing those words.

However, no one would have expected that one person in the shadow of the airship would constantly put the dark spiritual demons into his Soul Sea, one after another.


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