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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3271

In a matter of seconds, those Divine Realm cultivators started to obey.

Their spiritual souls were now controlled by the Puppet Strings, and they had become Austin's slaves.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The entire world was suddenly filled with space cracks. It trembled violently and was on the verge of distraction.

"Let's go!"

Austin did not waste any more time. He gathered everyone, including the chaotic world tree, and brought them into the Slave Tower.

The chaotic world tree had already decided to go with Austin, so it did not bother to resist his actions.

Austin took out the Reincarnation Token and used his spiritual sense to secure a place near the new world. He then pointed the token into that direction.


Austin vanished into thin air.


At this exact moment, a crashing noise was heard by the people. The space barrier of the new world was ripped open in the middle and was now divided in two.

Thousands of divine gods used the laws of nature and aimed their attack on a single spot. The method they used was effective and brilliant.

Even if the entire world was damaged, it did not explode. It was ripped apart but did not vanish.

The space barrier was shrouded with all kinds of complicated law power. If they used too much force, the entire world including everything in it would be annihilated.

One had to use the laws of nature carefully and apply just enough power to cause a crack on the space barrier.

It was why every divine god could only attack with the law power.

"Look! This world had been cut open!"

thousands of divine gods cheered and pointed at the opening.

By this time, the entire world had been cut in half.

It was now wide open and exposed everything inside.

The gap was an invitation to danger, and it left the inhabitants defenseless.

"That's it!

I see the hidden space, where the chaotic world tree is hidden.

More than ten people have entered!"

Several divine gods pointed at the hidden space at the edge of the continent.

Right away, all the divine gods took action.

Giant hands swept across the sky one by one and tried to grab the hidden space.

The tremendous divine force appeared like a massive explosion in the atmosphere.

Soon, the giant hands of the divine gods reached into the hidden space.

But there was nothing inside.

"What's going on? Where is the chaotic world tree? There is nothing inside."

The divine gods looked at each other in horror.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A divine god tried to smash the hidden space with his giant hand.

There was really nothing in the hidden space.

"What happened? Austin said the chaotic world tree is in this hidden space!"

"Yes, it looks like Austin had entered it.

But he isn't here."

The divine gods cried out in confusion.

"Yes! Austin from the Celestial Cyan Kingdom!"

Suddenly, everyone remembered Austin.

It was him who claimed that the chaotic world tree was in this new world.

"Austin from the Celestial Cyan Kingdom, show your face!"

"I don't see him anywhere. Where is Austin? I don't think he's here!"

"Austin, stop hiding!"

The divine gods shouted Austin's name and began to look for him.

Even the divine gods of the Celestial Cyan Kingdom searched for  Austin.

But Austin was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Austin? I can't sense him anywhere."

The divine gods from the Celestial Cyan Kingdom turned their attention to the hundreds of thousands of young talents.

These young talents entered the new world with Austin.

"Just now, we were in a fierce battle with the devouring bugs. But then, we were ordered to retreat. So we pulled back and evacuated the place.

Austin entered that secret space but did not come out with us,"

one of the young talents explained.

"Something is not right!"

"We need to find Austin!"

"I don't trust him. Is it possible that he took the chaotic world tree with him?"


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