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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3273

Inside the World of Darkness, Austin used his bodily movement skill to continuously move forward.

Not far behind, an airship was chasing after him.

"Austin! Stop right now!"

"If you still value your life, obediently hand over the chaotic world tree! Otherwise, you're dead!"

The divine gods kept shouting at Austin from inside the airship.

Suddenly, another airship emerged and began chasing Austin from behind.

"It's really Austin's aura! At last, we found him!"

The people inside the airship were cheering as they finally had the chance to obtain the chaotic world tree.

The divine gods from various cosmos were riding on high-level flying magic treasures while Austin was just relying on his own bodily movement skill. Naturally, they were able to diminish their gap while chasing him.

Soon after, more and more airships found Austin.

'Come on! There are already more than ten airships that are chasing after me?!'

Austin frowned as he perceived the approaching airships through his spiritual sense.

In this desperate case, he didn't have time to look back and start a battle against them.

That would definitely lead to his immediate death.

'Don't you know how hard it was for me to be able to escape into the World of Darkness? Now, are you telling me that in the end, I'm still going to fall into their hands?'

Austin's thoughts made him feel helpless.

Eventually, more and more airships appeared and followed him.

Fortunately, even with the advanced flying magic treasures, they couldn't fly too fast in the World of Darkness. However, little by little, they were still cutting their distance towards Austin.

Sooner or later, it would be inevitable that they would catch up to him.

"Wait! It seems like there's a space abyss somewhere ahead! This could be my only chance to escape.

I should go and take a look quickly before they catch up."

With his spiritual sense, Austin found that there was a huge abyss blocking his way just a few miles ahead.

Now, there were several pursuers behind, and a space abyss in front of him.

Austin had no choice so he gritted his teeth and flew towards the space abyss ahead to check it out.

Soon, he almost reached the entrance of the space abyss.

From there, he felt a very strange sensation.

Austin found out that as he got closer to the entrance of the space abyss, the surrounding space became distorted and the eerie sensation became stronger.

The area seemed to be breathing, like it had a pulse of its own.

It was as if there was some powerful suction force in this space, swallowing and puffing rhythmically.

Additionally, he heard a high-pitched whistling sound that reverberated in his ears.

Austin eventually noticed that his body was slightly trembling.

With that, he halted for a while.

"Austin, be careful. There's something weird going on in that space abyss. It seems like a breathing living creature,"

Peterson and Hare warned Austin as they strongly felt something unusual in the abyss.

At the same time, the pursuers had almost reached Austin's location.

Furthermore, the airships that chased after him grew in an unexpected number.

The total number was nearly two hundred.

"Damn it. Now, I really have no choice but to move forward."

Austin shook his head and smiled bitterly as he saw his hopeless situation.

The moment he turned around and tried to escape among the airships, they would immediately and mercilessly attack him, and this space would be his burial place.

Therefore, as insane as it seemed, it was better to move forward and traverse through the space abyss.

At least, this plan didn't have a hundred percent certainty of failing.

While he was about to enter, he heard some strange sounds inside.

Whoop! Whoop!

Austin continued to hear the strange sounds as he drew nearer into the abyss.

Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be countless demons and other strange beings residing in the abyss.

"These are dark spiritual demons! Does it mean this space abyss is actually their habitat? There are too many of them!"

Austin was shocked at his discovery.

"Austin, this is not good. It seems that you're right. We have broken into the lair of the dark spiritual demons!"


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