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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3279

"Then we need to stay away from the World of Darkness for now."

Austin nodded in agreement.

It was quite a long journey.

Four days later, the airship finally left the territory of the World of Darkness.


We've finally gotten out of there!"

Peterson, Hare and Austin all cheered. They had been looking forward to this day.

"Well, let's keep going! We need to stay away from that place as much as possible. The farther we go, the better!

All the forces in the Sea of Chaos must deploy a large number of cultivators to the World of Darkness when they learn all about it. I am quite sure!"

Peterson said as he activated the airship's supersonic mode so that they could travel at the speed of sound.

"I agree! It is very sensational when the news that thousands of divine gods died in the World of Darkness spreads like wildfire.

I believe that the most urgent matter for them is to identify and pinpoint the exact location of the chaotic world tree.

Austin, from now on, you're going to make a name for yourself in the Sea of Chaos. It will be much quicker than you think!"

Hare said with a pleasant smile and two thumbs up.

"I don't think this kind of name will bring me anything good except lots of trouble.

I don't want any of it,"

Austin replied with a shrug.

"It's too late. You will have to suffer the consequences. Because you've taken the chaotic world tree away with you!

It's such an invaluable treasure that anyone who takes it will become the enemy of all the forces in the Sea of Chaos. Wait and see! Soon there will be countless cultivators trying all possible means to find you. They won't let you go easily."

Peterson sighed.

"I don't care. But master, why does everyone want it so bad? What makes it so special? What use do I have for it?"

Austin asked out of genuine curiosity.

In fact, this question had lingered on the back of his mind for quite some time now. He only got the gall to ask when they were already out of danger.

Even though Austin now took the chaotic world tree with him, it was still not clear to him what it could do. He had his eyes glued on his master, waiting for his reply.

"Okay, it's a long story,"

Peterson began, his eyes half-closed as if reminiscing the past.

"With your current cultivation base and perspective, you should have gained some basic understanding of the structures of the three different spaces, namely the world, the cosmos and the chaotic void. Are you familiar with those?

Among them, the world refers to a star or a small separate space inside a cosmos, and sometimes it's also called a small world because of its size.

Next, a cosmos is also called a universe.

Other than having different names, they are exactly the same thing.

Lastly, compared to the cosmos, the chaotic void is a much more advanced existence.

As a matter of fact, a cosmos is a large space floating within the chaotic void.

And the chaotic void is actually what we usually refer to, as the Sea of Chaos.

From small to big, it is the world, the cosmos and the chaotic void respectively. The three are composed of the basic spatial structures here."

Peterson drew a vivid picture with words and Austin clearly understood.

"Yes, master. I've already known about these spatial structures and have even come across some of them,"

Austin replied with a nod.

"Of all these structures, the chaotic void, or the Sea of Chaos, is eternal and ever existent. It was, is and will always be there. It will never perish, hence, there is no need for it to be reborn.

In other words, the chaotic void has always existed and will always exist in future, just like space and time. It supersedes everything else and it sort of represents the ultimate will and the law of nature!

It has no life. Thus, only in the absence of death will there be forever!

As for the other two structures, they will experience the inevitable process of coming into being, growing bigger and finally perishing.

There are new cosmos coming into being in the Sea of Chaos every now and then. Likewise there are also cosmos perishing in various manners and ultimately disappearing into oblivion. You may have heard of the black hole. It is only one among many ways that a cosmos is destroyed.

Now inside each cosmos, which you more familiarly call, the universe, the creation and destruction of worlds are a more common phenomenon,"

Peterson went on with his story.

"Well, I knew that too, master. Please continue."

Austin nodded again, with an expressive desire to learn more. He was like a sponge absorbing all kinds of information.

"It seems that I need to show you some silver bullets. There are three ways for a cosmos or a universe to come into being. Has anyone ever told you of this before?"


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