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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3338

"You bastard! Tell me, are you the one who killed my old master?"

The Heavenly Majestic Pot's eyes turned red with anger as it saw the leader of the Divine Sect.

"So you do care about your old master.

How touching,"

Austin said to the pot using his spiritual sense.

Ever since they met, the pot had only one goal in mind, and that was to avenge its old master.

"Brat, don't be jealous.

If you are killed in the near future, I'll be sure to avenge you too. That is, when I am in the right mood,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot replied sourly.

"Can't you just say something nice? Humph!"

Austin was a little mad.

"Ahem... You misunderstood us, Heavenly Majestic Pot.

Your old master was actually revered here at the Divine Sect. He was a Divine Realm master who contributed much to us.

How could our leader hurt him?

Besides, even if he decided on hurting him, your old master was much stronger than our sect leader. How could he possibly kill him?"

the superior elder of the Divine Sect carefully said to the pot.

He knew that he was in no position to fight against the pot.

One misstep from him and the Divine Sect might perish!

"Superior elder is right, Heavenly Majestic Pot. I think this is a mere misunderstanding.

I don't blame you. I have to admit that in the past few years, I have been busy with the affairs of the Divine Sect and haven't taken time to collect treasures from heaven and earth to repair your body.

As a result, your hatred for me grew more deeply.

Heavenly Majestic Pot, no matter what, you have always been a part of our Divine Sect. The duty of protecting sect falls on you too.

How about this? I am willing to compensate you for your grief and suffering as long as we bury the hatchet,"

the leader said to Heavenly Majestic Pot in a very sincere tone. He was very careful since he knew that he was treading on thin ice.

"Austin, as a matter of fact, I am also willing to set aside the past grudges we have.

As the old saying goes, it's better to make friends than enemies. How about we sit down and talk over some tea?"

the superior elder said as he looked at Austin.


Austin and the pot exchanged a look with each other.

It seemed that the leader and the superior elder had made a clear request for reconciliation.

The other senior leaders of the Divine Sect were also quite aware of the situation, so they chose to keep quiet.

They all knew that the enemies before them were too powerful to defeat.

"Are you going to give in just like that?

I can't believe that the people of the Divine Sect are so spineless."

Austin sneered.

He was also aware that they had the upper hand.

Therefore, the senior leaders of the Divine Sect had no choice but to yield.

They pretended to be nice, but in fact, in the depths of their heart, they wanted to kill him as soon as possible.

In the past, the Divine Sect fought with Austin many times.

For one thing, one of the divine gods who had destroyed the Fallen Immortal Cosmos was the one behind the Divine Sect.

Austin would never forgive them!

Although the leader of the Divine Sect and the superior elder looked sincere, Austin was by no means willing to let go of the Divine Sect so easily.

As soon as the superior elder heard Austin's sarcastic remarks, his face changed. He suppressed his anger and said in a low voice, "Austin, we are sincere about our offer."

"Unfortunately, I'm not interested."

Austin sneered back.

"Yes! Stop your nonsense! Before my old master died, he left me a message saying that it was you who killed him!

Today, I will avenge him!"

The Heavenly Majestic Pot said through its gritted teeth as it stared at the Divine Sect's leader with hatred and anger burning in its eyes.


As soon as the pot finished speaking, a terrifying aura instantly erupted and filled the atmosphere with heavy pressure.

Clang, clang...


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